【期刊名称】《植物生态学报》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)005
【摘要】Competition among plant individuals is a critical process within a population and community and has long been a research focus in ecology, with particular attention on aboveground competition during growing seasons. The belowground competition of plant roots is equally-important, especially under water and nutrition stresses. Yet, our theoretical foundations for understanding the similarities and differences on belowground vs. aboveground completions remain immature. In this paper, we review up-to-date concepts and the understanding of aboveground and belowground competitions, summarize the relevant theories and associated conceptual frameworks, and pre-sent ways for testing these models for symmetric/asymmetric competitions. Additionally, we discussed the major variables involved in these processes and models. Finally, we shared our views on modeling competition for ad-vancing ecological research in the future.%植物个体间的竞争是植物种群和群落中的普遍现象,一直是生态学家关注的焦点,尤其是植物在生长过程中与邻体的地上竞争。在环境水分胁迫或营养胁迫条件下,植物根系间的地下竞争同样重要。然而,有关植物体地上、地下竞争模式的相关理论一直存在分歧和争论。该文扼要介绍了植物地上、地下竞争的概念及模