Roman culture 2014505039
Roman culture
Abstract:Greek civilization is divided into several periods, it was formed at BC 800--500 years of the Dark Ages, experienced the classical era (that is, 336 BC to 500 BC) and the Hellenistic era ( 336 BC to BC 31 years). Greek civilization reached its peak was the 5th century BC. 146 BC, Greece was conquered Rome. Greek civilization will be replaced by Roman civilization.
Key words:Culture and Art;Architecture;Roman religion;Literature;Technological Achievement Culture and Art
Greek art and architecture reflected in the highest temple. The famous Acropolis Parthenon shrine was built for the goddess Athena.Horace (Horace): \impact on literary theory.Ovid (Ovid): \not too much description).Speaking of Roman culture, which primarily derives from the Greek, but the Romans in ideology also has a significant contribution.451 years ago, Roman produced \statute,Citizenship Act :( Civil Law) Roman citizenship laws. Before the formation of the mid-third century.The Law of Peoples: the first three centuries to the formation of a century. Owner Roman rule.\Age\Roman Law: Law Research: such as \FITOP\cover about the \
Influence of Roman law: \three times to conquer the world, first by force, the second is based on religion, and the third is based on the law, and this third conquest is perhaps one of the most peaceful, the most enduring of conquest.\
Roman painting \Gattamelata equestrian statue \Gattamelata Equestrian).Painter Giorgione (Giorgione) painting structural balance, color harmony. His masterpiece is \(Sleeping Venus) to create a Western painting an enduring theme: the lying naked goddess. Italian Renaissance in the 16th century heyday, literary center moved from Florence to Milan and Rome. Heyday produced four giants, they Leonardo (da Vinci) Michelangelo (Michelangelo) Raphael (Raphael) and Titian (Titian). Masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci's \Last Supper\(the Last Supper), \Lisa\(Mona Lisa), sculptor Michelangelo's marble statues of \\slave\Raphael's painting of the Virgin Titian is the most prolific painter, established the traditional paint coating on the canvas, known as the father of modern painting.
In architecture, the arts, the Romans had made outstanding contributions. Such as: the Colosseum was built in 27 BC and the Roman Pantheon and female wolf sculpture. Medieval architecture and art and mostly, they are extending the classical Gothic Romanesque art.
Gothic architecture is the next half of the 11th century originated in France, 13 to the 15th century, an architectural style popular in Europe and is commonly used in Europe Cathedral, monasteries, churches, castles, palaces, halls and some private houses its basic component is a pointed arch and vault rib rack, the overall style tall slim, the basic unit is a rectangular plane on the four corners of a square pillar or do double coupons tip center skeleton, four sides and diagonals of each one, roofing slate mounted on coupons, forming dome.
Gothic architecture Gothic architecture with excellent performance building skills mystery, pathos, noble strong emotions, have a significant impact on future generations other arts, its charm comes from the ratio of light and color aesthetic experience, through light metaphysical meditation, by number and color of the symbolic understanding, the soul to get rid of the fetters of earthly matter, the divine light facing soaring toward heaven. Though there have been in this building popular throughout Europe, but in Europe during the Renaissance, was once quite be despised. Roman religion
1054 AD, the Christian church split into the Roman Catholic Church (the Roman Catholic Church) and Orthodox (the Eastern Orthodox). The Roman Catholic Church in Latin as an official language. Middle Ages, almost all Europeans are Roman Catholic. Thus, the Middle Ages called \of Faith\(Age of Faith). There will be a strict Catholic hierarchy. Pope (Pope) enjoys absolute authority, the following order of Archbishop (Archbishop), Bishop (bishop), priest (Priest) and current members of the Catholic Church, the church has strict organization and discipline. Benedictine system produced in this period, and trained a large number of monks, for example, the full text of the Bible into English of St. Jerome and the creation of rule of St. Benedict Benedict in AD 529. Christian thought one of the most important leaders of the 5th century AD Augustine. His Christian theology has had a profound impact. \and \of God\
Christianity plays an important role in the political life of European feudal society. Originally Christianity in the Roman Empire as a slave domination and services to an important tool medieval naturally turned into feudal rule to become the spiritual pillar of the feudal system. Christian world exclusivist and belligerent by nature. Which was undoubtedly the Crusades (the Crusades) the most famous. Especially the Holy Land invasions.Although the final ended in failure, but the promotion of East-West cultural exchanges, to prepare the conditions for the formation of the monarchy. Literature
In literary terms, there has been lengthy epic (Epic). A Germanic Anglo-Saxons,Dante's epic Collection \Woolf\is popular since the
early heroic epic of the most complete one. The \most famous French epic.
Middle Ages also produced two great poets - Dante and Chaucer. The famous Italian poet Dante's \of world literature, expressing the upcoming Humanism in Renaissance. British poet Chaucer is known as the history of English literature in a short story writer and the first modern poet, his most famous work is The Canterbury Tales.
Academic and scientific aspects of European medieval knowledge for the upcoming road to the Western world to make some new bedding. Charlemagne (Charlemagne) and his revival Carolyn (Carolingian Renaissance), Alfred the Great (Alfred the Great) and his academic centers, as well as Italian theologian Thomas Aquinas (St. Thomas Aquinas) experience Philosophy (Scholasticism) and Thomism, the importance of British philosopher and scientist Francis Bacon (Roger Bacon) practice, and both the preservation and development of culture has made tremendous contributions.
Technological Achievement
Renaissance, science and technology has also made significant progress. In addition to the geographical discovery, Copernicus published a heliocentric, and author of \become the father of modern Western astronomy. Enderle Las Sa Cornelius (Andreas Vesalius) author of \was the founder of modern Western anatomy. There is also the founder of the publishing house of the Italian scholar and printers Aldus Manutius, the father of Western politics of Machiavelli and the book \Prince.\In short, the Renaissance in Europe from the Middle Ages feudal society during the transition to capitalism, modern anti-feudal, a great ideological liberation movement anti-clerical theocracy. In all aspects of this period, European philosophy, literature, art, science and other areas have made great achievements.
What′s more ,Rustic rich, pay attention to the effectiveness of national identity, advocating virtue, patriotic, willing to sacrifice patriotism, strict discipline, focusing on the rule of law order and political influence of the Roman culture is long-lasting and profound. Rome three times to conquer the world, first by force, the second is based on religion, and the third is based on the law, and this third conquest is perhaps one of the most peaceful, the most enduring of conquest.