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课时作业(四) Module 2 No Drugs

Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading—Language Points (本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!)


1.Though he was badly injured,he is now________of danger. 答案: out

2.I feel________necessary for her to learn foreign languages because the job she will do is________(relate) to foreign business.

答案: it;related

3.People________to drinking have much difficulty in removing the________.(addict) 答案: addicted;addiction

4.Our teacher keeps telling us success________(belong) to those who work hard and never give up.

答案: belongs

5.We had to break________the house as we had lost the key. 答案: into

6.I am in China now,but I used________(live) in London. 答案: to live

7.It was a pity that the great writer died________heart attack last night. 答案: from

8.As he asked two days’leave last month,his salary________(reduce) by 20%. 答案: was reduced

9.—What do you think made Mary so upset? —________(lose) her new bicycle. 答案: Losing

10.If I give him a________of advice,do you think he will take it? 答案: piece

11.The chairman is the most________(power) man in the Chinese government. 答案: powerful

12.He moved to Germany in________late 1990s,when he was in his________(sixty). 答案: the;sixties Ⅱ.完成句子


These children are talking about topics__________________.

答案: related to the world cup


When you____________________________,it’s difficult for you to give it up. 答案: bee addicted to smoking


If I had__________________________,I wouldn’t have failed in the exam. 答案: taken my father’s advice


They used____________________________,but now they seldom contact each other because they are busy.

答案: to be good friends


________________________the floods,many people had to leave their homes. 答案: As a result of


Hearing the news,he ________________his wife’s room,crying. 答案: broke into

7.因此,他处在了失去工作的危险境地。 As a result,he was ______________________his job. 答案: in danger of losing


The factory we visited today is no longer what______________20 years ago,when it was poorly equipped.

答案: it used to be Ⅲ.完形填空

Mona wanted a dog.She couldn’t stop __1__ about it and she checked out books from the library about dogs every day.

Whenever she had time after school,Mona __2__ to look at her favorite website Dog Lover’s Heaven,which had lists of __3__ that were available in her area.Mona wanted a Jack Russell terrier __4__ Jack Russells are small and very smart dogs. One day after school,Mona __5__ the Dog Lover’s Heaven website.__6__ she saw it — her dog,a Jack Russell terrier.Mona was very __7__ when she saw the __8__ of the tiny dog.The moment she got home,she asked her mother,“Can I __9__ a dog,Mom?”

“Mona,we have to be sure you can __10__ it.It’s a lot of work to own a dog,” Mom said. “But I’ve done lots of __11__ ,Mom.I know it’s __12__ to you that I take care of it all by

myself,” Mona __13__. “I know,but I need to be __14__.If you get a dog,it may not be housebroken (管教好的).Are you going to __15__ after it?” Mom asked.

Mona knew a little extra (额外的) __16__ was a small price to pay for having a great dog.“Yes,Mom,” she said.“I will.”

“All right,I __17__ you.Remember what I said about saving your __18__ to pay for the things the dog will need?”

“Yes,Mom,” Mona said.“I saved enough already for the adoption fee (领养费).I have been thinking about this for a __19__ time.”

“Great!” Mom said.“Do you know what kind of dog you want?” “I sure do,” Mona said with a smile.“And I can’t wait to __20__ it.” 语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了莫娜想要养狗的经过。 1.A.worrying C.thinking

B.hearing D.crying

解析: 由下文的she checked out books from the library about dogs every day可知,莫娜很想养狗,她无法停止“想(thinking)”这件事。

答案: C 2.A.forgot C.liked

B.failed D.refused

解析: 由下文的look at her favorite website可知,莫娜“喜欢(liked)”浏览Dog Lover’s Heaven站。

答案: C 3.A.books C.schools

B.dogs D.libraries

解析: 由下文的Mona...the Dog Lover’s Heaven website...she saw it — her dog 可知,Dog Lover’s Heaven站有莫娜她家所在区域可被得到(收养)的“狗(dogs)”的名单。

答案: B 4.A.unless C.because

B.until D.if

解析: 由下文的she saw it — her dog,a Jack Russell terrier可知,莫娜想要的是杰克罗素梗犬,“因为(because)”这种狗体型小而且聪明。

答案: C 5.A.created C.closed

B.ran D.visited


