龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:刘素娟 邵艳秋 任玉兰 苏爽月 赵宇
摘 要:提出手机移动APP蓝墨云班课与分析化学实验课程深度融合的“七步教学法”.“七步教学法”分为课前预习过关测试、课堂提问激发兴趣、阴性惩罚奖励剥夺、实验操作拍照上传、及时表扬慎用批评、实验报告批改及时、课后总结提升内化.教学成果表明,“七步教学法”能有效激发学生的学习兴趣,充分调动学生学习积极性,提高学生学习自主性,线上与线下学习结合更加紧密,取得了较好的教学效果. 关键词:移动APP;分析化学实验;七步教学法 [中图分类号]G642 ; [文献标志码]A
Abstract:This paper proposed a \ink cloud class with analytical chemistry experiment course. \
divided into pre-class pass test, classroom questions to stimulate interest, negative punishment and reward deprivation, experimental operation photos uploaded, timely praise and criticism, experimental report correction timely, after-class summary to improve internalization. The teaching results showed that the \learning, fully mobilize students' learning enthusiasm, and improve their autonomy in learning. The combination of online and offline learning was more closely, and had achieved a better teaching effect.