告——以天职师大彝族学生为例 An investigation report on the living adjustment of Minority College Students——Taking Yi students in Tianjin vocational and Technical Normal
University as an example
本调查以天津职业技术师范大学51名彝族大学生为研究对象,采用自编少数民族大学生大学生活适应问卷,调查了天津职业技术师范大学彝族大学生生活适应情况。调查结果发现刚上大学时,大部分同学人际关系都出现了问题;当朋友出现冒犯他们的民族习惯时,大部分人还是希望通过沟通让对方了解自己的民族习惯;语言环境不适应成为有效沟通的障碍之一。大部分彝族学生不适应学校提供的饮食;部分同学学习目的不明确,学习态度不端正;大部分同学学习英语课程比较吃力;多数同学都不同程度的不理解老师所讲的内容;碰到不懂的问题时,问老师的同学比较少;学习不刻苦;课余时间安排不合理。 【关键词】
彝族 少数民族 大学生 大学生活适应 Summary
This survey in Tianjin University of technology 51 students for the study of the Yi nationality, self-made ethnic minority college students University life questionnaire conducted a survey of Yi nationality in Tianjin University of technology students ' living situations. Survey results found that just when I was in College, most of the classmates, there was a problem when friends offend their national habits, the majority of people still hope that through communication and let them know their national habits; language environment should not become barriers to effective communication. Most of the diet of Yi students adapt to the school; some students learning objectives is not clear, attitude is not correct; most students learn English courses are a hard time to varying degrees most of the students do not understand what teachers say content met
do not understand the question, ask the teacher of students less studied is not hard; after-school time is not reasonable. Keywords University life 一、调查背景
The Yi people Ethnic minority College students