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Exercise One (Book1 Unit1)

Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in the fifth century. Arthur was legendary hero supposed to have fought against the Saxons.

Romans invaded Britain in 43, and the only area they did not subdue therein was Scotland.

most important part of the UK in wealth is England.

were ironworkers, practiced farmers and they drained much of the marshlands and built houses. But they didn't speak Anglo Sanxon English. They have their own language.

real Roman conquest of Britain began in 43AD. English are mainly decendants of Anglo-Sanxon.

was the national hero during the fighting against Danes. Channel separate Great Britain from the rest of the Europe. was crowned King of England on the Christmas Day of 1066.

population of the UK consist of the English, the Welsh, the Scottish and the Irish. , Duke of Normandy, is now known as William the Conqueror. occupies the northern portion of Great Britain. is the capital of Scotland. is mainly spoken in Scotland.

14th century, Wales was effectively united with England.

Exercise Two(Book1 Unit3)

the English Civil War, the “Roundhead” supported Oliver Cromwell, while the “cavalier”supported Charles I.

in Britain, strictly speaking, consists of three elements: The Queen(The Sovereign), the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

House of Commons is the source of real political power in the United Kingdom. Great Charter (Magna Carta) was signed by King John in 1215.

spirit of the Magna Carta was the limitation of the powers of the king. l clung to the theory of the “Divine Right of Kings”.

Prime Minister of Britain was appointed by Queen.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is reigned over by the Monarch, but ruled by the government.

real power of the House of Lords lies in discussing bills.

Exercise Three(Book1 Unit4)

general election is held normally every 5 years in the 650 consituencies of Brirain.(p50)

the help of DECC, the UK Low Carbon Transition Plan was published by the UK goverment.(p56)

majority of the working lords in the House of Lords are life peers, who earned their titles through their outstanding achievement.(p58)

the House of Commons is a “vote of no confidence” decided.(p50)

the general election, an MP candidate must deposit 500 pounds, which is returned if he or she receives 5% or more of the vote cast.(p50)

Labour Party is the primary opposition to the Conservatives.(p52)

. Margaret Thatcher, a Conservative Party leader in 1980s, believed Privatization; the keeping of law and order; self-reliance. Except the strengthening of the trade unions.

Thatcher carried out the economic policy of privatization to revitalize British economy in the 1980s.

change in England came mainly through gradual reform.

Exercise Four(Book1 Unit11)

far as the religion is concerned, people in Northern Ireland who are loyal to the British goverment are mainly Protestants, while people in the Republic of Ireland are mainly Catholics.

' language survived through history and Irish is the first official language of the Republic of Ireland.

was brought to Ireland by Saint Patrick in the 5th century.

1800, Irish parliament was voted out of existence. The Act of Union was signed, and Ireland was officially a part of Brirain.

1870, a constitutional movement seeking Home Rule was instituted up by

Isac Butt.

ancestors of the Irish are the Celts.

Celtic invaders came to Ireland in the 6th century.

bought a legal system-the Brehon law, to the island of Ireland. Home Rule Bill was finally passed in 1914.

political party, Sinn Fein, was developed by Arthur Griffith.

the Celtic Brehon law, women were given more rights in Ireland than in the British colonial period.

Book1 Unit15

first group of English were brought in Australia as convicts in 1788 by the First Fleet.

Dreaming is the oldest religion on Australia.

, kangaroo and koala are unique to the Australia continent. was essentially unknown in the West until the 17th centry. Dreaming is the most enduring religion in Australia today.(p246)

first industries that were developed after the settlement were the sealing industries.

original natives of Australia are the Aborigines.

the policy of assimilation, children were taken away from their parents to be placed in church-run institutions and the missionaries on the “protected reserves”.

Book1 Unit16

is one of the many forms of Protestantism.(p258)

of sports in Australia are high particularly in both water sports and team sports. , Islam, Hinduism and Judaism are the major forms of non-Christian religions in Australia except Catholicism.

most popular sport in Australia is football.


Exercise 5(Unit1)

the north, a series of large lakes were formed by huge glaciers.(F)(p3) most of New Zealand's forest has been turned into golf course.(F)(p4)



