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Is Kelly There?

Making and Answering a Phone Call


Many new developments are happening in the world of telecommunications. Although new telecom services such as paging, telefax and E-mail are offered in many places around the world, the telephone is still the most commonly used communication technique in our everyday lives. However, many people who speak English as their second language find using the telephone a frightening, or at least an uncomfortable, experience, simply because they don’t know the sort of English that could help them to answer an English phone call and to make telephone calls in English. As an English learner, do you feel that you have a need to improve your active and passive ability when making phone calls in English? If you do, the material in this unit is suitable for you. The aim of this unit is to provide up-to-date and relevant practice material for developing your skills in comprehending phone calls and making calls both for general and for business purposes.

Answers to the Questions:

1. The telephone is the most commonly used technique in telecom services.

2. Because they don’t know the sort of English that could help them to answer an English phone call and to make telephone calls in English.

3. The aim of this unit is to provide up-to-date and relevant practice material for developing your skills in comprehending phone calls and making calls both for general and for business purposes.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever made or answered a phone call in English? What was the purpose of the call? How well do you think you handled it?

3. Do you find answering an English phone call or making telephone calls in English a frightening experience? Why or why not?

4. What do you want to learn about handling phone calls in English?

Background Information:

When we are speaking on the phone to someone, politeness and clear speaking are probably the two most important guidelines to follow. Because you cannot rely on gestures and facial expressions to help carry your messages (as you can when you are speaking with


someone face to face), you must be as clear and as exact as possible to avoid any misunderstanding or confusion. At the same time, you must be certain to listen carefully and understand what is being said to or asked of you. In simple terms, if you are a caller, it is polite to offer a greeting, identify yourself, and state your business or reason for telephoning. Don’t leave the person on the other end of the line guessing your reason for telephoning.

Most places of business answer with the name of the company and “May (Can) I help you?” or “How can we help you?” Individuals at home often answer with a simple Hello or occasionally the name of their residence, as in “Matthews residence.” Sometimes people at work may answer the phone with their names, as in “Frank Mason speaking” or “Belinda Wells here.”

Part One Listening In

Travel Agent: Globe Travel. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, please. This is Tom Peterson speaking. I’m planning to fly to Tokyo next

month. What’s the price of a flight at the moment?

Travel Agent: Well, that depends. Do you want to fly first or coach class? Customer: Coach class, I suppose. Travel Agent: When will you be going? Customer: On Saturday, the 11th of June. Travel Agent: One way or round trip?

Customer: Round trip. Well, I’m planning a short holiday. I’ll be returning two weeks later,

that’s the 25th of June. But I don’t want a package tour.

Travel Agent: Then I can get you an excursion ticket. That’s on Northwest Airlines and it

costs $1080.

Customer: What would it be if I flew on United Airlines?

Travel Agent: Now, let’s see. That’s only slightly more, $1120, in fact. And there’s one thing

with the United flight. The time might be more convenient for you because it leaves later in the morning, at 11:40.

Customer: And the other one? When’s that? Travel Agent: That’s much earlier, at 8:30.

Customer: Oh, but that doesn’t matter so much in my case. My apartment is near the airport.

Can you give me the times for a returning flight on Northwest then?

Travel Agent: Let’s see. There’s a direct flight from Tokyo, departing at 5:30 p.m. Would that

be all right?

Customer: Perfect. Could you book that for me?

Travel Agent: Sure. Could I have your name again please?


Customer: Tom Peterson.

Travel Agent: Mr. Peterson, I’ll check with the airline. You’ll hear from me in about an hour’s

time. Is that all right?

Customer: Fine. My phone number is 357-6082. I’ll be in all afternoon. Goodbye and thank


Travel Agent: Goodbye. Notes:

A package tour is a completely planned holiday at a fixed price arranged by a company, so that one does not have to buy tickets, find hotels, etc., for oneself.

An excursion ticket is a ticket for a short journey which is organized by a holiday company, tourist organization, etc., so that people can visit an interesting place.

Answers to the Questions: 1. The travel agent and customer.

2. Because he’s planning to fly to Tokyo next month. He wants to find information about the price of a flight at the moment and to book a ticket.

3. It depends on the class you want to fly, when you will be going, whether you want a one-way or round trip ticket, the kind of tour you are taking, and the airline you are going on.

4. $1080 on Northwest Airlines and $1120 on United Airlines.

5. He takes Northwest Airlines because the price is a bit lower than that on United Airlines. 6. The time might be more convenient because it leaves later in the morning, at 11:40. But that doesn’t matter so much in this case because the customer’s apartment is near the airport.

7. She’ll check with the airline and will call the male speaker back in about an hour’s time.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever called a travel agency? What was your purpose for calling?

2. What are the differences between English and Chinese customs of making and answering a phone call?

Part Two Better Listening Section A

Conversation One

Stephen: Stephen Palmer speaking.


Sue: Is that you, Steve? It’s Sue.

Stephen: Hello, Sue. I was actually waiting for your call. How’s Rome?

Sue: A fantastic city. I’ll attend a conference at nine. So I’ll keep it short. Could you give me

the address of that person you mentioned before I left New York? You know, the man who’s got that import/export office in Rome.

Stephen: Ah, you mean Michael Simpson. Now let me see. Umm... I don’t have his address

on hand. How about if I ring you back in about half an hour?

Sue: Well, I’ll be on my way to the conference. I’ll call you again in about half an hour. Is that


Stephen: OK. I’ll look up Simpson’s address for you. Sue: Thanks, Steve. Bye now. Stephen: Bye.

Answers to the Questions: 1. She is in Rome.

2. She wanted to have Michael Simpson’s address.

3. Michael Simpson is the man who’s got an import/export office in Rome.

4. Sue will call later. Stephen doesn’t have Michael Simpson’s address on hand, and he suggests he call Sue back. But Sue will be on her way to the conference. So Sue will call Stephen again in about half an hour.

Conversation Two

Saleswoman: Hello, Worldwide Flowers. Sara Green speaking.

Mr. Kelly: This is Jim Kelly. I’d like to order some flowers and have them sent to my home. Saleswoman: Fine, Mr. Kelly. What kind of flowers did you have in mind? Mr. Kelly: I’d like to send a dozen red roses.

Saleswoman: A dozen red roses. Our long-stem red roses are selling for twelve dollars a

dozen this week, and they’re really quite nice.

Mr. Kelly: All right then. I’ll take those.

Saleswoman: I’ll need the complete address with the zip code, Mr. Kelly. Mr. Kelly: The address is: 43 Pennsylvania Avenue, Bloomington, Indiana, 47401. Saleswoman: What would you like us to put on the card?

Mr. Kelly: Hm, just something simple. How about: All my love, Jim. Saleswoman: OK. Now, when should they arrive?

Mr. Kelly: They should be there before six in the evening on September the 12th.

Saleswoman: That should be no problem. Just one more question, Mr. Kelly. How do you

intend to make payment?


Mr. Kelly: You can put it on my visa card. The number is: JK 4096237.

Saleswoman: That should do it. Thank you for calling Worldwide Flowers. Goodbye. Mr. Kelly: Bye.

Answers to the Questions:

1. He’s calling Worldwide Flowers. Jim Kelly calls because he wants to order some flowers and to have them sent to his home.

2. He orders a dozen long-stem red roses which cost twelve dollars.

3. His girl friend or maybe his wife, since red roses represent love between men and women. 4. She needs to know the address, what is going to be put on the card, when the flowers should arrive, and how Jim Kelly intends to make payment. 5. He asks the saleswoman to charge it to his visa card.

Conversation Three Mrs. Wilson: Wilsons.

Harry Ford: Hello, I’d like to speak to Tom Wilson. My name’s Harry Ford.

Mrs. Wilson: I’m afraid he’s not in. He’s at a conference in San Francisco all day. Can I give

him a message?

Harry Ford: Well, he asked me to call him when I was in San Carlos. I’ll be flying back

tomorrow. Will he be at home this evening?

Mrs. Wilson: Yes, he’ll be back at about seven thirty. Harry Ford: All right, I’ll ring him at about eight then. Mrs. Wilson: I’ll tell him you called. Harry Ford: Thank you. Goodbye. Mrs. Wilson: Goodbye.

Answers to the Questions:

1. He’s at a conference in San Francisco.

2. Tom Wilson asked Harry Ford to call him when Harry Ford was in San Carlos. 3. He’ll be at home at about seven thirty. 4. Mrs. Wilson.

Section B

Conversation One

Canceling a Hotel Booking

Operator: White Swan Hotel.



