【期刊名称】《中华医院管理杂志》 【年(卷),期】2017(033)001
【摘要】Mobile internet terminals were connected to the pharmacy of the hospital to improve the outpatient pharmacy process, building an internet-based pharmacy service model for general tertiary hospitals. This model covered the entire outpatient service, ranging from registration, payment and dispensary at the hospital. It significantly enhanced the efficiency, namely 80. 8% less time for payment, not to mention the free delivery and no waiting time for dispensary.%介绍了医院通过互联网移动终端与院内的药事服务相连接,改造门诊药房流程,建立适合大型、综合性三级甲等医院的互联网药事服务模式。此服务可以覆盖患者挂号、缴费、取药等全部流程。在实施此流程后,药事服务效率得到了很大提高,缴费时间缩短了80.8%,且免费配送,无需等待取药。 【总页数】3页(66-68)
【关键词】互联网+;中医院;医院药学;互联网医药 【作者】林华;王颖彦
【作者单位】510120 广州,广东省中医院药学部;510120 广州,广东省中医院药学部
【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】