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2020-2021学年牛津上海版六年级英语第一学期M2 Unit7 Rules around us测试卷(含答案)

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M2 Unit7 Rules around us综合测试

Part One Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):5分

1. _____________ 2. ___________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________

Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):8分 ( ) 1. A. Go to sleep. B. Tell her dad a story. C. Have a bath. D. Clean her teeth. ( ) 2. A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. In a market. D. In a shop. ( ) 3. A. At school. B. At home. C. In city park. D. In the office. ( ) 4. A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Nine. ( ) 5. A. A policeman. B. A policewoman. C. A teacher. D. A firewoman. ( ) 6. A. Juice. B. Bread. C. Fruit. D. All above. ( ) 7. A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. D. At night. ( ) 8. A. She is reading. B. She is watching. C. She is swimming. D. She is doing her homework.

Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):6分 ( ) 1. My brother is a shop assistant.

( ) 2. My brother lives in Rose Garden Estate. ( ) 3. His flat is small.

( ) 4. He likes his job and works hard. ( ) 5. He doesn't like football.

( ) 6. He doesn't play with friends on Saturdays or Sundays.

Ⅳ. Listen to the passage and complete the sentences(听短文,完成下列句子):6分 1. Mrs. Green is from __________.


2. But she doesn't know __________ very well. 3. She meets an old ___________at the bus stop.

4. Mrs. Green wants to know the way to __________ Ben. 5. He opens the book and reads ______________. 6. He can speak little ____________.

Part Two Vocabulary and Grammar


V. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):15分 ( ) 1. We -mustn't eat or drink in _______ classroom.

A. a B. an C. / D. your ( ) 2. Don't run ______ jump in the computer room. A. and B. or C. to D. with ( ) 3. My parents and I sometimes go to a _____________ to have nice food.

A. restaurant B. school C. hospital D. shop ( ) 4. It's dangerous to __________ the road when the red light is on.

A. go round B. run across C. get over D. walk into ( ) 5. The boys are shouting __________ in the classroom. A. loud B. loudly C. noise D. noisy ( ) 6. _____________ the notice board.

A. Look B. See C. Watch D. Look at ( ) 7. Let's _________ a talk about learning English,

A. have B. to have C. has D. having ( ) 8. Mrs. Brown will teach ___________ Chinese next year.

A. we B. us C. our D. ours ( ) 9. We ____________pick the flowers in the park.

A. must B. can C. can't D. mustn't ( ) 10. I want to ____________ a picnic with my friend at weekends.

A. do B. go C. have D. play ( ) 11. It takes her fifteen minutes ___________ the lift to the top floor.

A. to take B. to have C. take D. have ( ) 12. - ____________floor do you live on?

-The second. A. What B. How many C. Whose D. Which ( ) 13. His father goes to work _____________.

A. on a car B. in his car C. by a car D. take car ( ) 14. Mum, this pair of shoes __________ cheaper than that pair. Let's take it.

A. is B. are C. was D. were ( ) 15. It isn't your T-shirt. __________ is in the washing machine. A. You B. Your C. Yours D. Yourself

Ⅵ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式填空):8分

1. It's dangerous for us to run ___________(cross) the road.


2. We mustn't speak ____________ (loud) in reading room.

3. When we see the green man, we should walk ___________(quick) across the road. 4. The words on the blackboard are too small. I can't see them ____________ (clear). 5. Don't _____________ (entrance) the teachers' office without permission. 6. The ___________ (play) in green will be the first.

7. This is the _____________ (one) time for me to come here. 8. There are different _____________ (rule) around us.

Ⅶ. Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions in the brackets(按要求改写下列句子,每空一词):12分

1. You mustn't leave rubbish on the ground. (改为同义句) __________ ___________ rubbish on the ground.

2. We mustn't bring balls into the class building. (就画线部分提问) __________ __________ we do?

3. There isn't anything on his desk. (改为同义句) There __________ __________on his desk. 4. We usually walk to school.(改为同义句)

We usually go to school ___________ ____________. 5. My best friend is 12 years old. (就画线部分提问) ___________ ____________ is your best friend?

6. He often helps me. I often help him. (改为同义句) We often help _____________ ____________.

Part Three Reading and Writing


Ⅷ. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):

A. True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):5分

Some people think that all wild animals are dangerous. In fact, very few of them will eat a man if he leaves them alone. If you meet a lion, I am sure you will run away, but even a lion will avoid (躲避) a man if it's not very hungry, Lions only kill and eat men when they have grown too old to catch their food, such as sheep and other small animals. Some animals get frightened when they only smell a man. Some of them stand, look at a man for a little while before they run away.

Others take no notice at all but quietly walk in another direction, Wild animals only eat a man when they are afraid that he tries to kill young ones, or when they are shot at (击中)and made angry.

( ) 1. The writer says that the wild animals are not always dangerous. ( ) 2. Lions usually kill and eat sheep and other small animals. ( ) 3. Wild animals only eat young men.

( ) 4. If you shoot at a lion, all the lions there will run away. ( ) 5. If a lion isn't very hungry, it will eat a man.

B. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容. 选择恰当的答案):5分

Jack is a night watchman. His work is to guard a factory. There is nobody to talk with at night. Jack likes his work. He knows it is important to guard the factory at night. He always walks


around the factory. If he hears a noise, he goes quickly to see what it is. Tonight Jack hears a noise when he walks around the factory, He goes quickly to see if someone is there. But he sees only a small cat. Jack smiles and talks to the cat. It looks cold and hungry. He takes the cat inside the factory and the cat goes after him happily. Jack is happy, too. ( ) 1. Jack is a ______________.

A. gentleman B. policeman C. teacher D. night watchman ( ) 2. Jack has ___________to talk with at night.

A. a dog B. a boy C. a cat D. nobody ( ) 3. What does Jack do when he hears a noise?

A. He knows it is a cat there. B. He knows there is a thief. C. He goes quickly to see what it is. D. He goes to bed quickly. ( ) 4. Tonight Jack finds ____________.

A. a dog B. a boy C. a cat D. nobody ( ) 5. Which of the following is not right?

A. Jack's job is important.

B. The cat is a good friend for Jack.

C. Jack goes quickly to see what is happening when he hears a noise. D. Jack takes the cat to his home.

C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):10分

Two sisters find new jobs as saleswomen in a company. The first month is not 1 .

They work hard but sell 2 . The younger sister gives up in the second month. She leaves the company and finds another job. The older sister 3 . She says she wants to have one last try. One year later, the older sister owns a car and a house. But the younger sister is still 4 .

The younger asks her sister, \left. They liked my work. So they gave me more orders. Now 5 is good for me. \

So, keep working and never give up. You'll get what you want. ( ) 1. A. difficult B. easy C. interesting D. different ( ) 2. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything ( ) 3. A. leaves B. comes C. stays D. goes ( )4. A. rich B. happy C. sad D. poor ( )5. A. life B. work C. money D. time D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入恰当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):10分 Dear Tony,

How was your day off? Did you have fun camping? I didn't have a very fun day. I visited my c l . It rained all day. In the morning, I s 2 in the house and watched videos, played computer games and r 3 . In the afternoon, Uncle Martin put some of his old t 4 out in the yard and had a yard sale! Unfortunately, it was a little boring. No one came to the sale because the weather was so c 5 .

Yours, Jack

1. c__________ 2. s_____________3. r__________ 4. t___________ 5. c_____________ E. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):5分


The Shanghai No. 1 Underground Railway opened in 1994. It runs from Xinzhuang Station to the Shanghai Railway Station. There are fifteen stations between them. The underground is quick and convenient (舒适). If you take the underground train, it will take you only half an hour. So when you are in hurry, you'd better go by underground. But if you want to see more of the city, you have to go by bus or by taxi.

1. How many stations did the Shanghai No. 1 Underground Railway have in 1994?

________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where does the Shanghai No. 1 Underground Railway run from Xinzhuang Station to? _______________________________________________________________________ 3. How is the Underground Railway?


4. How long will it take you from Xinzhuang Station to the Shanghai Railway Station by underground?

_______________________________________________________________________ 5. If you go by bus, do you see more of the city?

_______________________________________________________________________ Ⅸ. Writing(作文):5分

Write at least 50 words on the topic \(以“学校的规则”为题,写一篇至少50个单词的短文,要球语句正确通顺,内容连贯,标点符号不占格)


M2 Unit7 Rules around us综合测试

I. 1. We must cross the street on the zebra crossing. (C)

2. You mustn't ride bicycles here. (E)

3. You can't park your car on this road. (A) 4. Look, the street is very beautiful. (B)

5. This sign means you can turn left here. (D) II. 1. M: Have you cleaned your teeth?

W: No, dad, But dad, I am very tired. I want to sleep now. M: But you must clean your teeth first. Q: What will the girl do first? (D) 2. M: What can I do for you, madam? W: I'd like to look at a menu. M: OK, here you are.

W: I'd like to have a pizza, a mango pudding and sweet tomato soup. Q: Where does the dialogue probably happen? (A)


2020-2021学年牛津上海版六年级英语第一学期M2 Unit7 Rules around us测试卷(含答案)


