(山西省长治市农业委员会 刘建军)
摘要:本文通过深入的调查,详细介绍了长治市水果业生产现状,指出了主要存在的问题,找出了发展的优势,并对长治市水果业今后的发展提出了七条科技创新措施。全市水果种植总面积1.2万公顷,水果总产量11.4万吨,水果总产值4.6亿元。目前,积极开展技术培训,努力提高农民素质,大力推广应用新技术和实用技术,调整果品结构,提高水果质量,大力发展无公害水果和绿色水果,强化政府行为,加大扶持力度,积极推进水果产业化进程, 是一项重要而紧迫的任务,也是当务之急。
关键词: 水果业 发展优势 科技创新措施
On the development of fruit industry in Changzhi city advantages and technological innovation measures
(Committee on agriculture in Changzhi city, Shanxi province Liu Jianjun)
Summary: This article through in-depth investigations, detailed production situation of fruit industry in Changzhi city, pointed out that the main problem, found the advantages for the development of, and on the future development of the fruit industry in Changzhi city put forward seven technologies and innovative measures. Fruit of the city total area 1.2 million
hectares , fruit production 11.4 million tonnes, gross output value of fruit 4.6 billion. Currently, actively carry out technical training, and strive to improve the quality of farmers, vigorously promote the use of new technologies, and practical skills, readjust the structure of fruits, increase fruit quality, developing non-polluted fruits and green fruit, strengthening the Government, more support, actively promoting fruit industrialization process , is an important and urgent task, is also a matter of urgency.
Keywords : Fruit industry development advantage of technological innovation measures
发展水果业,就必须由传统果业向现代果业转型,现代果业的典型特征是高产、优质、高效、生态和安全,这些都依赖于果业科技的不断创新和支撑,果业科技创新与应用已成为增强果业生产能力,提高果业生产效率,转变果业增长方式和推进现代果业建设的关键因素。近几年,我市水果产值在种植业中仅次于粮食、蔬菜,种植水果已成为农业产业结构调整的一个重要项目,也是一些地方脱贫致富的一条主要出路。 1 水果业的生产现状
全市水果种植总面积18.01万亩,挂果总面积17.75万亩,水果总产量11391.00万公斤,水果平均亩产量641.75公斤。其中:苹果种植面积10.92万亩,挂果面积10.82万亩,总产量7599.00万公斤,平均亩产量702.31公斤;梨种植面积3.18万亩,挂果面积3.18万亩,总产量1891.00万公斤,平均亩产量594.65公斤;葡萄种植面积 0.50万亩,总产量290.00万公斤,平均亩产量580.00公斤;桃种植面积0.57万亩,总产量221.00