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毕 业 设 计 (论文) 任 务 书

1.毕业设计(论文)题目: 便携式红外线人体测温仪设计 2.应完成的项目: (1)完成对便携式红外线人体测温仪系统方案的确定及器件的选择 (2)完成系统的硬件和软件设计 (3)完成对系统的整体调试以及毕业设计的论文 3.参考资料以及说明: (1)张军,宋涛. AVR单片机C语言程序设计实例精粹. 电子工业出版社,2009. (2)由富恩,张存芳,付乐勇. 辐射测温仪原理及其检定. 中国计量出版社,1990. (3)沙占友. 集成传感器应用. 中国地理出版社,2005. (4)周继明,江世明. 传感技术与应用. 中南大学出版社, 2005. (5)裒继俊,董培芝. 中国红外产品与应用.长城出版杜,2004. (6)高魁明,谢植. 红外理论与技术. 沈阳:东北工学院出版社,1989. (7)曾强,舒芳誉,李清华. 红外测温仪—工作原理及误差分析. 传感器世界,2007(2). (8)曹欣荣,戴景民. 环境温度对红外辐射式体温计读数的影响. 计量学报,2002(1). (9)沈国彦,宋平.红外温度计测量体温方法探讨. 仪表技术,2003年第3期. 4.本毕业设计(论文)任务书于2010年01月20日发出,应于2011年06月01日前完成,然后提交毕业考试委员会进行答辩。

专业教研组(系)、研究所负责人 审核 年 月 日

指导教师 签发 年 月 日




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摘 要




关键词: 红外温度测量,MLX90615,SMBus,AVR单片机



In clinical medicine, the body temperature is an important physiological parameters. It is the basic characteristic of human life activities, but also observed a normal human body is an important indicator. So, whether the thermometer is still in daily health care and clinical diagnosis, medical measuring instruments are indispensable. According to the traditional mercury thermometers to measure properties of the liquid thermal expansion and contraction of the body's temperature, although it is cheap but there are many drawbacks.

As science and technology development and the needs of modern medical technology, temperature measurement technology is continually improving and improving, and then people come up with an infrared body thermometer. It is issued by the body to measure a specific band of infrared temperature of the human body. As a result of newhigh-precision infrared sensor

and microprocessor technology, so it can quickly, accurately and easily measure the temperature, to solve the traditional easily brokenmercury thermometer, the mercury thermometer is not easy reading and pollution of the environment.

I according to the principle of infrared radiation thermometer designed and producedan infrared temperature measurement system, including infrared temperature sensor designed and manufactured by Melexis company using non-contact infrared temperature sensor measurement - MLX90615 (DAA model). It is a digital sensor chip has integrated temperature measurement sensor and associated processing circuit, through SMBus protocol the measured temperature data directly to the AVR microcontroller (ATmega32A) for processing, and then through the LCD module displays the corresponding temperature values. This system can achieve the highest measurement accuracy ±0.2℃, and measured with functional and convenientdigital display clear and understandable way. All this makes it a large-scale epidemicin terms of inspection, or in the daily health care play an important role.

Keyword: IR temperature measurement, MLX90615, SMBus, AVR microcontroller



