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人教版高中英语选修8 Module8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors R

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Module8: Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 导学案A 版





情感目标:了解早期人类的生活方式,激发对考古的兴趣和研究古代史的欲望。 学习重难点:如何提高捕捉文章细节的能力。


Background information

Zhoukoudian is a relic of primitive culture, 48 kilometers southwest of downtown Beijing,

where Longgushan (dragon skeleton mountain) is standing. Several decades ago, local farmers mined(模拟) lime-stone (石灰石) in Zhoukoudian, came upon some bone fossils(化石) and called them “the Dragon Bones”. Zhoukoudian became known as “Dragon Bone Mountain”. Drugstores purchased the bones as a medical ingredient. The news about the “magic bones” drew attention of scientists. In 1929 these lime-stone caves became world famous with the discovery of a skull and two teeth dating back 200,000 to 500,000 years. They were named Peking Man. But the fossils were lost during World War II. Many of the implements used by those early humans, and bones of animals they hunted are on display at a museum near the site of the discovery.

With the steadily increased number of visitors from all over the world, Zhoukoudian has become a scenic spot of Beijing.

1. When did people find a skull and two teeth dating back 200,000 to 500,000 years? 2. What are “the Dragon Bones” according to the passage?

I. Fast reading:Choose the best answer according to the text.

1. The main idea of the text is about the of our earliest people in the Zhoukoudian Caves. A. life and habits B. food and clothing C. homes and fishing D. farming and hunting

2. Through the conversation, everything about the earliest people in the Zhoukoudian caves is mentioned EXCEPT _______.

A. homes B. tools C. clothes D. entertainment

3. The earliest people in the Zhoukoudian caves might keep themselves warm by the following EXCEPT ______.

A. digging large caves to live in groups B. wearing clothes made from animal skins

C. constructing a fireplace in the center of the caves D. hanging animal skins at the entrance of the caves

4. Which procedure below is not the process of making clothes for early people? . A. They cut the animal skin and sew the pieces together.

B. They used the sharpened stone tools to cut up animals and remove their skin. C. They rubbed enough salt to make the skin soft. D. They sew a pocket on their clothes.

5. Which statement is NOT true of the earliest people in the Zhoukoudian caves according to the text? A. They learned to fight against wild animals. B. They mainly fed on fruit and animals. C. There existed some trade between them.

D. They wore beads around necks to scare wild animals.

6. From the conversation we can infer that the earliest people in the Caves were very . A. busy and rich B. idle and lazy C. clever and hard-working D. stupid and cruel


II.Read the text and decide if the following statements true or false . 1. Early people used blankets to keep them warm.( )

2. The archaeologists have found the bones of tigers and bears in the caves. ( ) 3. Early people used animal skins and fiber to make their clothes. ( ) 4. The early people didn’t grow their own crops. ( ) III. Detailed reading: fill in the blanks. The things (1)____________ Their significance in the caves Human and ● The earliest humans lived in the caves. animal (2) _____ ● They didn’t grow (3), ______ but picked fruit and killed animals. ● There lived animals such as (4) ______ and bears. ● There used to be a large shallow (5) ______. Fireplaces and thick layers of People constructed them to cook food, keep (6) ____ themselves warm in the winter and even (7) _______ away wild animals. (8) ______, such as sharpened People used them to (9) ________ animal skins and stones and needles sew the skins into clothes. A (10) _________ ● It shows that people then cared about their appearance. ● It was made of animal bones and shells. 第三部分:训练案


Read the text again and again and then fill in the blanks.

_____ ___________ 8. Our evidence suggests that they did wear clothes made from animal skins. -____________

An archaeologist is showing a group of students from England around the

1. ,where some of the 2. people lived. First the archaeologist describes . 1-4 A D A D D C

how early people lived in the caves. They made 3. to keep them warm, cook the food and 4. 参考答案:Ⅰ

beasts away as well. They might have kept the fire burning all winter and 5. animal skins

at the cave mouth to keep out the cold during the freezing winter. 6. were their most dangerous enemies. Then the archaeologist shows the students a picture of a sewing

needle. The needle which seems to be made of 7. is at most three centimeters long. Early

people could cut animal skins and sew the pieces together to make their own 8. .Last of all the archaeologist shows them a primitive 9. . It is made of animal bones and

10. . At that time early people cared about their 11. and perhaps there was 12. between early peoples or they travelled to the seaside on their journeys.



1. It is a great pleasure to meet you students from England, who are interested in archaeology.

2. You must be aware that it’s here that we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world.

3. I am sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here?

4. You are an acute observer.

5. We have found human and animal bones in those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and other objects.

6. So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold.

7. We have been excavating layers of ash almost six meters thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter.

Ⅱ 1-4 F T F T

ⅢSummary: 1. Zhoukoudian caves 2. earliest 3. fires 4. scare 5. animal 6. tigers and bears 7. bone 8.

1-10 found, bones , crops, tigers, lake, ash, scare, tools, cut, necklace


9. necklace 10. shells/seashells 11. appearance 12. trade

人教版高中英语选修8 Module8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors R


