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2020年牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 6 单元知识总结

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Unit 6 单元知识总结

Welcome & comic

1.hurry up 快点,赶快

2.sb be tired 累了(surprised / excited / interested / amazed / bored )-ed式形容词主语是人) sth be tiring(surprising/ exciting / interesting / amazing / boring -ing式形容词主语是物) It’s adj (surprising/ exciting / interesting / amazing )that---- It’s adj (surprising/ exciting / interesting / amazing )to do-----

3. be too / very / so / quite heavy 很重(too / very / so / quite 修饰形容词副词原级) 4 carry sth for sb 为某人提某物

5.complain too much 抱怨太多 complain不及物动词 complain to sb about / of sth向某人抱怨某事

eg. He complained to me about the bad weather there.他向我抱怨那儿糟糕的天气。

complain that 投诉---

6.too much 不可数名词 太多

too many可数名词复数 太多

much too 形容词、副词原级 太---

7. that heavy =so heavy那么重 that ( adv.)那么,那样 8.outdoor activity 户外活动 after-school activity 9.go riding 去骑马

10.go camping 去露营(cycling / skating / jogging / swimming / skiing / hiking / diving) 11. too big =too large 太大(too adj / adv.)


1.one sunny day 一个晴朗的早晨 one Sunday morning 一个星期天的早晨(常用于故事开头,用过去时)

2.on a sunny / rainy / windy day 在晴朗的一天

on a cold / hot / warm / cool morning有形容词修饰 ,介词用on 冠词a in the morning冠词the

3. sit by a river 坐在河边

4.hear a sound 听到一个声音(listen / listen to / hear / sound ) voice / sound / noise / whisper 5. look up / down抬(低)头

6.a white rabbit in a coat一只穿白外套的白兔( in a coat介词短语作后置定语) 7.take sth out of 从……拿出……

8. look at the time 看时间 (look / look at / see / watch) 9. stand up 站起身,起立

10.run across the field 跑过田地 across 介词, 从表面穿过

go / walk / swim across (prep)=cross (v)动词,从表面穿过 go through (介词 )the door 从空间穿过 11. jump down 跳下 12.get away 逃脱;离开 13. let sb do sth


make / let / have do 让 / 使某人做某事,make / let / have为使役动词,省to watch / see / hear sb do 观看、看见、听见某人做某事 watch / see / hear为感官动词省to 强调do动作全过程 watch / see / hear sb doing sth 强调doing动作正在进行

14.for a long time 好长一段时间

15. find herself alone in … 发现他自己单独在…

alone = on one’s own = by oneself adj 独自的 adv 独自 lonely adj 孤独的 16. all around 周围

17.on the other side 在…另一边

one ---the other some---- the others one -----another some----- others

18.try to do sth 努力做某事 19.go through 通过;浏览

through / across / cross

20.open the door with the key=use the key to open the door 用钥匙打开了门 21.surprise sb使某人措手不及

surprise v使惊奇; 使措手不及 surprised adj 吃惊的,惊讶的 surprising adj令人惊讶的

22.visit the park 参观公园

23. have a good time =have fun=enjoy oneself (doing sth)玩得高兴 24. go out 出去

go out of----从-----出去 25. put up our tent 搭起帐篷

put up张贴;挂起;举起 put ---in 把---放在---里 put---into把---放到---里 put off脱下;延迟,推迟

Integrated skills

1.last weekend 上周末

2.complete her article 完成她的文章

3.people in the west = Western people西方人

4.tell sb all (nothing / a little / little ) about sth 告诉某人全部()关于某事 5.find a new way to make paper 发现了造纸的新方法

find sb to do sth to do sth不定式作目的状语 find sb doing sth doing sth 现在分词作补语


find sb alone / clever / lazy---形容词作补语 find sb to be (n, adj., prep) to be 可省

find it adj. to do sth to do sth作宾语 it 为形式宾语 find that clause

find / find out / look for

6.use bamboo to make kites 用竹子做风筝 =make kites with bamboo

7.make a bird out of wood 用木头做了一只鸟 be made of / from 由----制造, 常用被动

be made into 被制成---- 常用被动

8. have a long history 具有悠久的历史 9.in the Warring States period 在战国时期 10. in history 在历史上

11. in the Eastern Han dynasty在东汉

12.begin to use paper to make kites= begin to make kites with paper开始用只做风筝

begin to do = start todo sth 开始做某事

13.become famous for making kites因做风筝而出名

become famous as因----出名

become famous as 以----闻名

14.from then on 从那时起 have / has done from then on 15.a great day 精彩的一天 16. fly kites 放风筝 17.I’m afraid not. I’m afraid so.

18.It’s dangerous to swim in the lake.

It’s dangerous to do sth 做某事很危险

19.remember to take your mobile phone 记着带上手机

remember (not) to do sth 记着(别)要做某事 remember doing sth 记得做过某事 20. the history of kites 风筝的历史

Study skills

1.in alphabetical order 按字母表的顺序 2.start / begin with 以 …… 开始 3. look up 查阅

4. in the top corner 在顶部的角落


1.know what to do 知道做什么 (tell sb / worry about / )

know how / when / where to do sth 2. feel a little ill 感到有点不舒服 eat little 几乎不吃

drink a little喝了一点点

have a little(一点儿) time / food / water

2020年牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 6 单元知识总结


