Fish Conservation and
CONS 486
Applied life history:
individual growth, population growth,
competition, predation
Ross Chapter 3
Applied life history
?Age and size at maturity?Growth?Competition
–individual growth–population growth
Major theme: Linking science to conservation & management
?????PhysiologyBehaviourPopulation ecologyEcosystem ecologyHabitat data (limnology, oceanography)?Life history?Fisheries exploitation data?Applied life history data?Human dimensions: socio-economic dataBasic scienceApplied science?Protecting populations & habitats?Restoring populations & habitatsConservationManagement?Harvest regulations?Managing fisheries & habitatsEnergy and fish growth
Age and size at maturity
?Vast differences among species!
?But within a species, age at maturity is correlated with growth rate
–Fast growth means lower age at maturity
–E.g., Pink salmon mature in half the time of other salmon and they have the fastest ocean growth rates
Age of Maturity5-7 yrs
Bcsalmon.ca4-6 yrs3-5 yrs3-5 yrs2 yrs
鱼类养护和管理 (5)