【期刊名称】《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2009(032)011
【摘要】合理有效的公交线路调度模型是改善公交服务、增加公交吸引力的关键.文章在建立优化模型的基础上,根据乘客的满意度受等车时间和舒适度两方面影响,应用层次分析法对其分析处理,建立了乘客和公交公司满意度最优组合下的公交线路调度模型,并给出了量化后的满意度,最后采用长春市4路公交线路的调查数据对该模型进行验证,实验表明该模型可行且易于操作.%The proper and effective optimal model of city transit dispatching is the key to bus service and attraction improvement. Based on the optimal model, the AHP is adopted to cope with passengers' satisfaction in two aspects: their waiting time and comfort. The model of transit line dispatching is set aiming at the optimal satisfaction of passengers and bus companies,and the degree of satisfaction is given. The model has been applied to the No. 4 bus line in Changchun City and proved to be feasible and convenient.
【关键词】公交线路调度;层次分析法;优化模型;满意度 【作者】杨庆芳;魏领红;杨兆升