Chapter 1 Part I
1、A basic definition of logistics is the continuous process of meeting customer needs by ensuring the availability of the right benefits for the right customer, in the quantity and condition desired by that customer, at the time and place the customer wants them, all for a price the buyer is willing to pay.
2、Customer service involves getting the right product to the right customer at the right place ,in the right condition and at the right time, at the lowest total cost possible. 顾客服务涉及在适当的地点、合适的条件和合适的时间,以尽可能低的总成本将合适的产品送至适当的顾客。
3、Logistics information is key to the efficient functioning of system. 物流通讯是物流系统发挥效率的关键。
4、Order processing is the system a firm has for getting orders from customers, checking on the status of orders and communicating to customers about them ,and actually filling the order and making it available to the customer.
5、Factory and warehouse site selection is a strategic decision that affects the costs of transportation customer service and speed of response.
工厂和仓库选址是影响运输成本、客户服务和反应速度的战略决策,。 6、Reverse logistics is involved in removal and disposal of waste materials left over from the production, distribution or packaging processes. 逆向物流是涉及从生产,分销或包装过程中遗留下来的废旧物资拆除和处置。 Part II 1、Customer service cost are the monies spent to support customer service, include the costs associated with order fulfillment ,parts and service support.
2、The cost of lost sales includes not only the lost of the current sale, but also potential future sales.
3、The objective of customer service management is to minimize the total cost , given the customer service level.
4、Transportation cost vary with volume of shipment weight of shipment, distance , and point of origin and destination.
5、Order processing costs include such costs as order transmittal, order entry, processing the order and related internal and external costs. 订单处理成本包括订单传送,订单录入,处理的顺序和相关的内部及外部成本等费用。 6、Lot quantity costs are purchasing-or production-related costs that vary with changes in order size or frequency.
Chapter 2 Part I
1、Supply chain management is the system of connected networks between the original suppliers and the ultimate final customer. 供应链管理是链接网络的原供应商和最终客户之间的网络系统。
2、Supply chain management is the integration of the activities that procure materials and services, transform them into intermediate goods and final products, and deliver them to customers. 供应链管理是一体化的活动,采购材料和服务,它们转换为中间产品和最终产品,并提供给客户。
3、Information system will play an even more prominent role in enabling the firms' total supply chain capabilities.
4、Supply chain integration really begins with the goal of satisfying consumer demand.
5、The six supply chain strategies include market driven, operationally agile, freshness oriented, customer-guided, logistics optimizer, and trade focused.
六大供应链战略包括市场驱动,操作灵活,新意导向,客户导向,物流优化和贸易导向。 Part II
1、With the many-supplier strategy, the supplier responds to the demands and specifications of a \going to the low bidder. This strategy plays one supplier against another and places the burden of meeting the buyer's demands on the supplier. 在多供应商战略中,各供应商对采购方的询价中的需求和规格做出回应,订单往往为报价较低者所获得。这一战略起到一个对另一供应商,并将负担起供应商满足买家的需求。
2、Long-term supplier are more likely to understand the broad objectives of the procuring firm and end customer. Using few supplier can create value by allowing suppliers to have economies of scale that yields both lower transaction costs and lower production costs.
3、With few suppliers, both buyers and supplier run the risk of becoming captives of the other. Poor supplier performance is only one risk the purchaser faces. The purchaser must also be concerned about trade secrets and suppliers that make other alliances or venture out on their own. 一些供应商,买家和供应商都冒着成为彼此俘虏的风险。供应商绩效差只有买方面临风险。买方也必须关心贸易秘密和供应商,使其他联盟或自己冒险走出去的。 4、Vertical integration can take the form of forward or backward integration.
Chapter 3 Part I
1、Consumer are accustomed to seeing trucks and trains transporting product or parked at business facilities.
2、Transportation cost results form driver labor, vehicle operation, investment equipment, and administration.
3、They offer a closed system with little risk of loss or damage to the products extremely low costs because minimal labor is involved in their operation.
4、However, for firms supporting global markets , air may in fact be the most cost-effective made of transport when inventory and customer service issues are considered.
然而,对于面向全球市场的公司来说,在估计库存和客户服务时,航空运输可能是最节省费用的运输方式。 Part II
1、In addition, the danger of theft and pilferage is reduced. 此外,被偷盗、行窃的危险也降低了。
2、These depots, called container freight stations (CFS s) are situated is in all major industrial centers inland or at the ports.
这些站点,称为集装箱货运车站(CFS s),坐落在所有主要工业中心内陆或在港口。
3、But general inter-modal systems are structured around the use of containers.
4、Containers, however, have a restricted application in inland transport.
5、The advantage of containers from the shipper's point of view i that freight can be loaded and the box sealed before it leaves the warehouse. 从托运人的角度看到的集装箱的优点是货物离开仓库前就能装入箱内,并将箱封
Chapter 4 Part I
1、The inventory requirements of a firm depend on the network structure and the desired level of customer service.
2、Similarly, transport vehicles break down, raw materials may suddenly be unavailable.
同样,运输车辆出故障,原材料可能会突然的短缺。 3、For all of these reasons, inventory is utilized to ensure that customer needs are met even when the production process itself interrupted. 由于所有这些原因,库存是用来确保客户的需求得到满足即使在生产中断的时候。
4、The finished products can be shipped to field warehouses where they are mixed to fill customer order.
5. Excessive inventories may compensate for deficiencies in basic design of a logistics network and to some degree inferior management. 过多的库存可以弥补物流网络设计的基本不足和管理上的某些缺陷。 Part II 1、The typical measures of inventory commitment are time duration, depth, and width of commitment.
库存管理的主要方法是持久的、深入的、广泛的管理。 2、A wholesaler purchases large quantities from manufacturers and sells smaller quantities to retailers.
3、Due to the high cost of store location, retailers place prime emphasis on inventory turnover and direct product profitability. 由于高昂的储存成本,零售商重视库存的周转和直接销售的产品。
4、Faced with this width of inventory, retailers attempt to reduce risk by pressing manufacturers and wholesalers to assume greater and greater inventory responsibility. 面对这种大量的库存,零售商试图迫使制造商和批发商承担更大的库存来降低风险。
5、Stock-out(shortages) can be completely avoided if orders are placed at right time.
缺货(短缺)是完全可以避免的如果订单时间正确。 6、In other words, the production schedule \components through the system in order to the manufacturing needs.
换句话说,其他生产进度“拉”通过系统组件,以满足制造业的需求。 7、DRP is a more sophisticated planning approach that considers multiple distribution stages and the characteristics of each stage.
Chapter 5 Part I
1、This requires excellent, integrated logistics systems. 这需要优秀的综合物流系统。
2、Decision support systems screen out irrelevant information use of the important data.
3、Both novice and experienced managers may simply stack the report in a corner of the office, to read when they have time.
4、By having better data available, analysts can generate more timely and accurate forecast that more closely reflect environmental realities. 通过拥有更好的数据,分析人员可以更及时,更准确的预测,更密切地反映现实的环境。
5、Such systems also must be integrated with other members of the supply chain , to provide accurate information throughout the channel from the earliest supplier through the ultimate customer. 这种系统还必须与供应链中的其他成员集成,提供准确的信息在整个通道从最早的供应商通过最终的客户。
6、Wal-Mart also benefits because it can keep its inventory levels to a minimum.
Chapter6 Part I
1、Warehousing activity is an important link between the producer and the customer.
2、Order selection means picking the required quantity of specific products and packaged to meet specific order requirement.
3、Put away means transfer the goods from receiving area to storage area. 放好指将货物从接收区转移到存储区域。
4、Firms may use conveyors or lift trucks to move products. 企业可以使用输送机或叉车移动产品。
5、Shipment content checking is typically required when product changes ownership.
4、Marking means labeling the items with customer shipping destination data and handling information.