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新概念英语青少版 1A 课件

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第一单元重点和难点 Meet the family! 句型和结构词:

What is your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is …我的名字叫 …

Is this your sweater? 这是你的毛线衣吗?

Yes, it is my sweater 是的,它是我的毛线衣。 Is this my T-shirt? 这是我的T恤吗?

No, it isn’t. it is not your T-shirt.不,它不是的。它不是你的T恤。 Whose is this anorak? 这是谁的滑雪衫? It’s my anorak. 它是我的滑雪衫。


Meet the family. 认识一下我们全家吧。

How do you do? 你好 (最正式/礼貌的问候语,用于初次见面的人。 回答也是用同样的句子 How do you do!) Nice to meet you! (用于非正式的介绍, 用于回答别人的问候词 和、Hi !) 很高兴认识你。


/?/ 短音 参见书本

six ill this fish pig big hill sing river little insect dish pizza rabbit biscuit六,生病,这是,鱼,猪,大的,唱歌,河流,小的,,昆虫,兔子,饼干,

/i:/ 长音 参见书本

tree meet bee jeep three green queen sheep Frisbee eat peach teacher jeans read clean he she me we key these field

树,认识,蜜蜂,三, 绿色的,皇后,绵羊,飞盘,吃,桃子,老师, 牛仔裤,朗读,干净,他,她,我(宾格)我们,钥匙,这些,田野


陈述句: My name is Steven. This is my family. Karen is my wife. 一般疑问句:Is it your coat? 回答Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 否定句: It isn’t my coat. It is not.

特殊疑问句: Whose is this shirt? 回答 It’s my shirt.

第二单元重点和难点 What is it? 它是什么? 句型和结构词:

What is this? 这是什么?This is a parrot. 这是一只鹦鹉。 What is that? 那是什么?That is a tortoise. 那是一把乌龟。 It is a green tortoise. 它是一只绿色的乌龟。

Whose is it? 它是谁的?It’s Robert’s. 它是罗伯特的。

What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?It’s green. 它是绿色的。 Whose is the green tortoise? 那只绿色的乌龟是谁的? It’s Robert’s. 它是罗伯特的。 Is it a bird? 它是一只鸟吗? 语音:/e/

leg red bed egg pencil seven desk dress men very help hello dress welcome eleven ten wet shelf sweater breakfast yellow cherry

腿,红色,鸡蛋,铅笔,书桌,男人,非常,帮助,你好,连衣裙,欢迎, 十一,十,湿的,架子,毛线衣,早餐,黄色的,樱桃


apple and bag bad cap that panda hand hat dad cat family black man thank happy rabbit fat lamp lamb hamburger parrot sandwich grandfather camera jacket Karen camera

苹果,和,包,坏的,那个,熊猫,手,帽子,爸爸,猫,家,黑的, 谢谢,幸福,兔子,胖的,台灯,汉堡,鹦鹉,三明治,爷爷,照相机


Now look! 快看。(用于吸引人们的注意力)


1陈述句: 主语+动词be+补语 如: This is good. It is a hat. It isn’t a green hat. 2一般疑问句:动词+主语+补语 如:

Is it a bird? 回答 Yes, it is,/ No, it is not./No, it isn’t. 3特殊疑问句:主语短语+动词+补语 如: What is this/that? 回答 This is a/an…

What colour is Lucy’s scarf? 回答 It’s green.

Whose is it? Whose is the silver bicycle? 回答 It’s Nancy’s.

第三单元重点和难点 Who is that? 那个人是谁? 句型和结构词:

Who is that boy? 那个男孩是谁? Which boy? 哪一个?

The boy on the silver bicycle. 那个骑在银色自行车上的男孩。上面用“on” The man with the black umbrella. 那个带着黑色雨伞的男人。

The girl in red dress. 那个穿着红色裙子的女孩。穿着用in 或者 with Is Robert’s bicycle red ? 罗伯特的自行车是红色的吗? His bicycle is silver. 他的自行车是银色的 Is Lucy’s car black? 露丝的小车是黑色的吗? Her car is green. 她的小车是绿色的。 语音:/?/?/

on box fox not of hot mop hop dog doll stop shop sorry sock clock doctor orange what top

Robert Polly dog body socks stomach toilet closet rock pond office song story toy point


ball wall hall mall call small door horse short forty morning corner four water draw Paul daughter

wash fall salt warm north 语法:

1 陈述句—主语+动词be+ 补语短语 如:

That’s (that is) Mr. Jenkins. Paul is Lucy’s cousin. He is a student. Nancy isn’t (is not) Robert’s cousin. She isn’t a teacher. 2 一般疑问句---动词+主语短语+补语短语 如: Is she Robert’s mother? Is he Lucy’s brother? Is it a bird? Is Paul’s car old? Is his bicycle new?

Is Robert a student? Is Lucy the girl on the green bicycle?

3 由who和which 引导的问句---主语短语+动词be+补语短语 如: Who is he? 他是谁? Who is she? 她是谁?

Who is that boy? 那个男孩是谁? Who is this young man? 那个年轻人是谁?

Who is the girl on the bicycle? 那个在自行车上的女孩是谁? Which is Robert Jenkins?哪个是罗伯特?

第四单元重点和难点 Robert isn’t well. 罗伯特感觉不舒服。 重点句型:

Robert is thirsty. 罗伯特渴了。He is not hungry. 他不饿。

Is he thirsty? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. 他渴吗? 是的,他渴。不,他不渴。 Is Lucy hungry. Yes, she is. She is very hungry.. 露丝饿了吗?是的,她饿了。. Is Lucy thirsty? No, she isn’t. She is hungry.露丝渴了吗?不,她不渴.她饿。 How are you? 你好吗? I’m very well. Thank you 我很好,谢谢! How is she/he? 她/他好吗?Yes, she is fine. 是的,她很好。 Who is thirsty?---Robert is.谁渴了?---是罗伯特。

What is funny?---This story is. 什么这么搞笑?--这个故事。 Is Robert hungry or thirsty? He isn’t hungry. He is thirsty. 罗伯特饿了还是渴了?他不饿,他渴了。 固定短语:

How are you? ---I’m fine. 朋友或熟人之间的礼貌问候用语。 You are right. 你是对的。You are wrong. 你错了。I’m sorry. 对不起/很遗憾。 Poor Robert. 可怜的/不幸的罗伯特。Poor 表示“不幸”(放在动词前面表示不幸,放在动词后面表示贫穷)

I’m not sure. 我不能肯定。What’s matter with him? 他怎么啦? What about the doctor? 那医生呢?询问情况时的惯用语句。

Better safe than sorry. 有备无患 (小心不出大错;宁可事先谨慎有余,不要事后追悔莫及) 语音:

/?/ book look good football foot wood cook woman /U:/ do you who ruler blue June suit too 语言教学重点:

who 作主语的问句, 如:Who is very hot? 回答 Robert is . Who are you? 回答 I’m Helen。 陈述句: 主语+动词+补语 如: Robert is well/ill

He is not /isn’t hungry. He’s thirsty. You are right.

一般疑问句:动词 be+主语+补语 回答 Is he /Robert well?Yes, he is.

Is she/Karen thirsty or hungry? She isn’t hungry. She is thirsty.

第5单元重点和难点 Meet the neighbours (英式)=neighbors(美式)!


My name's Claire. I'm your new neighbour. 我叫克莱尔,我是你的新邻居。 That's a nice name. What do you do? 真是个好名字,你是做什么的? I'm a student. What about you? 我是个学生,你呢?

I'm a student,too. I'm at the sports academy. (体育院校)What about you? 我也是个学生,我在体育学院,你呢?

I'm an art student. I'm at the art college. (艺术院校) 我是一名艺术系的学生,我念的是艺术院校。 Come and meet Karen. She's my aunt. She's a writer. 给你介绍一下凯伦,她是我姑姑,叶明作家。 Nice to meet you. Come and meet the family. 很高兴见到你,给你介绍一下我的家人。 How do you do? 你好。

Hi, everybody! Thank you for the welcome!大家好,谢谢你们的欢迎。


Look at him. Look at her. Look at it. 看他/她/它。 Is he/she/it thirsty? Yes, he is. 他口渴吗?是的。

Is he a student? No, he isn’t. 他是学生吗? 不,他不是。 Is he a teacher or a student? He isn’t a teacher, he’s a student. 他是老师还是学生?他不是老师,他是学生。 Are you a teacher? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.

你是老师吗? 是的,我是的。/不, 我不是。

What’s his/her job? He’s /She’s a teacher. 他的工作是什么?他是一个老师。 What do you do? I am a student/ an accountant. 你是干什么的? 我是学生/会计。



sun bus mum duck cup run mud bug rug mug lunch umbrella under uncle supper but jump puppet puzzle unhappy under cut husband up-stair number much funny butter shut summer blunt dust brother son mother country cousin young color come some lovely Monday

新概念英语青少版 1A 课件


