【期刊名称】《鸡西大学学报》 【年(卷),期】2016(016)002
【摘要】This paper aims to investigate the frequency distribution of ESL writing strategies by analyzing the questionnaire ad-ministered among the EFL learners.It also aims to find out and the gender influence on the writing strategies employed.Unlike pre-vious papers which relied heavily on the qualitative observations and reflections of the authors, the paper employs a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the overall distribution of EFL writing strategies.The study identifies the most fre-quent and least frequent ESL writing strategies, and the influence on gender on the writing strategies used by the EFL learners.In addition, it also reveals that teachers need to take into consideration the overall frequency of writing strategies employed by the students and make adjustments to the writing instruction accordingly.The main contribution of this paper is the use of quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze ESL writing strategies.This paper offers a survey of ESL writing strategies in China, and sheds new light on the ESL writing research.%网络环境下的英语教学是今后大学英语教学的新趋势,尤其是最近几年在国内外高等教育界流行的大规模网络开放课程( MOOCS,又译为慕课) ,先进的网络技术为大学英语写作策略教
学的全面展开提供了物质基础和保障. 采取问卷调查和访谈定性和定量相结合的方式,调查非英语专业学生在网络环境下英语写作策略的分布状况和性别等因素对写作策略的影响,研究表明网络教学环境下大学生英语写作策略使用类型最多的是结果写作法,但是他们使用最频繁的写作策略方法属于过程写作法类型,使用最少的写作策略方法属于过程-结果写作类型;男女生各项写作策略总体比较,女生在构思组织策略和语言手段策略使用频率上比男生要高,不过二者在社会情感策略的使用频率上都很低. 因此教师可根据学生写作策略使用的情况有针对性地开展外语网络教学,调整自己的教学策略和教学方法,从而提出基于网络的写作策略培训方案.
【关键词】英语写作;写作策略;网络环境;写作教学 【作者】李高新
【作者单位】吉首大学国际交流与公共外语教育学院,湖南吉首 416000 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】H315;H319 【文献来源】 【相关文献】
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写作过程研究 [J], 薛爱华
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