Part II
I. 汉译英
1. 和平统一
1)To promote the reunification of the motherland, we must find a proper
means. 2) So we suggest that the two Parties hold a talk on an equal footing and try for a third-time cooperation. 3) The fact the mainland and Taiwan have adopted different ideologies and political systems should not be allowed to stand in the way of developing the relations between two sides of the Taiwan Straits and achieving the peaceful reunification.
2. 大学生…
1) College students now bear heavy academic pressure. 2) You will find
them—except seniors who are beginning to look for a job—always too busy in studies to join campus organizations, too busy to take part in sports and other extracurricular activities, too busy to share the interests of their friends, and too busy to pay attention to anything that is not connected with their studies. 3) In short, they have become nothing but a robot. 4) They are under pressure to do too much work in too little time. 5) If their roommates are studying in the library until it closes at midnight while they go to a movie, they will feel guilty. 6) The very idea of doing nothing during the day will make them uncomfortable and sleepless all night. 7) They stud so hard that they have hardly had time to savor life and to pursue other interests to grow as well-rounded people. 8) The pursuit of college education costs them too much personal happiness and health.
3. 金融危机
[注释] 东京 Tokyo
1) International finance has no respect for national borders. 2) When stock
markets fall in Tokyo, the effects are no longer local; they are global. 3) So to have sustained economic growth. China must help to restore stability and growth in the Asia Pacific region. 4) China has steadfastly shouldered its responsibilities to the region in this latest financial crisis.
4. 抗洪抢险…
[注释] 公顷 hectare
1) The floods in the Yangtze River basin are the worst in 44 years. 2) Official figures indicate that more than 2000 people have been drowned and 13.8 million have been driven from their homes. 3) Crops have been destroyed on 4.5 million hectares, 3 percent of China’s total cropland. 4) Industrial output has suffered as factories have had to shut. 5) The
transportation of goods and people has been disrupted. 6) The overall effect on China’s economy will be felt for many months. 7/8 Despite the serious damage, China deserves a lot credit for the nationwide effort to deal with flooding, during which the Chinese have demonstrated a remarkable capacity for shoring up dikes and protecting themselves from flooding. 9) For example, 1.6 million troops have been mobilized to help protect the dikes and to move people out of areas being flooded. 10) Literally millions of civilians are involved in this enormous human effort.
5. 海滨浴场
1)游客就是冲着这一望无际的海滩和充足的前来休养的。2)然而,随着市的对外开放,旅游业就显得过于单一。现代化设施也显得欠缺。3)虽然海滨浴场每年吸引了成千上万的中外游客,但却明显地受到季节自然因素的影响。 [注释] Qingdao
1) Its endless beaches and abundant sunshine attract tourists each year in
search of rest and relaxation. 2) The opening of Qingdao to the outside world, however, has revealed the monotony of her touring programs and the inadequacy of modern facilities. 3) Take the bathing beach for example. It admits thousands of tourists from home and abroad annually, but its use is obviously limited by seasons and natural events.
1)股票市场,国库券市场和企业债券市场是最大和最活跃的资本市场。2)这些市场的日趋活跃,表明金融体系越来越成熟,同时也看出企业正设法通过直接向群众借款的办法来克服信贷紧缩。3)它还说明,投资者越来越聪明。4)他们购买各种有价证券,从保值定期储蓄、国库券、股票、企业债券,到现在只要能使手中钱不因通货膨胀而贬值的各种其他金融债券。5)机构投资者和个人投资者踊跃购买每年发行的国库券。6)企业债券因为期限短,利率高于银行存款利率一到二个百分点,因此也十分受欢迎。7)人们争相购买证券,往往前一天晚上就在银行外排队,一个亿的债券几天就一售而空。 [注释]
国库券 the treasury bond
1,2) Increasing activity in the stock market, the treasury bond and enterprise bond markets—Shanghai’s biggest and most active capital markets—reflects the growing sophistication of the local financial system and the efforts of local enterprises to beat the credit squeeze by borrowing directly from the public. 3, 4) It also indicates that Shanghai investors are getting smarter, spreading their portfolios among inflation-linked fixed bank deposits, treasury bonds, shares, and enterprise bonds, and other financial instruments now available as a hedge against inflation. 5) Treasury bonds issued each year has been the most popular with institutional and individual investors. 6) Enterprise bonds are also popular because they have a short maturity and offer an interesting rate of 1-2% more than the average bank deposit rate. 7) Often RMB 100 million worth of enterprise bonds are subscribed