1. Concept and basic structure of a cell
CELLS are the structural and functional units of life. 3 cell membrane「membrein]细胞膜
----- Structure surrounding and protecting the cell. It determines what enters and leaves the cell.
5 cytoplasm ['saitauplaezam]细胞质 -------- All the material that is outside the nucleus and yet contained within the cell membrane.
Ribosomes [^aibasaum]核糖体
----- Ribonucleoprotein particles concerned with protein synthesis.
Mitochondria ^maitou^ondria]线粒体
(catabolism) ------- Process of breaking down complex materials to form simpler substances and release
Mito chondrion
Cilia —— Lysosome
en ergy.
Endoplasmic Lendau'plaezmik] reticulum [ri^ikjuhm] 内质网(anabolism) ---------------------------- Process of building up complex material from simple materials. Golgi apparatus baepaVeitas] ----------- small
membra nous structures composed of various elements associated with the format!on of many substa nces. 3 nucleus [\细胞核 ------- Control center of the cell. It con tains chromosomes and directs the activities of the cell.
membrane「membrein]核膜 nucleolus Lnjuzkli'aulas]核仁
Chromosomes「kraumasaum] 染色体
----- Rod-shaped structures in the nucleus that contain regions of DNA called genes. These are 46 chromosomes in every cell except for the egg and sperm cells, which contain only 23 individual, unpaired chromosomes.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) ----- Chemical found within each chromosome. Arranged like a sequence of recipes in code, it directs the activities of the cell. RNA (ribonucleic acid)
Centrioles Cytoplasm Nucleolus
Chromatin Ribosomes
Golgi apparatus
Smooth endop la smic reticulum
Nuclear membrane endoplasmic reticulum
Cell membrane
2. Tissues 组织
Concept A tissue is a group of similar cells working together to do a specific job. Types of tissues:
There are four main tissue types in the body: epithelial [,epi?rm/\\sl] / nervous「n9:vas]
Epithelial tissue, located all over the body, forms the linings [lainir]]内层 of internal organs (such as the airways 呼吸道,the reproductive [,ri:pr9'dAktiv] tract 生殖系统,and the digestive [di gestiv] tract 消化 道)'and the skin covering the body. It also lines exocrine ['eksskrain]外分泌 and endocrine! 'endeukrain] glands内分泌腺.
Muscle tissue is composed of cells that have the special ability to shorten or contract in order to produce movement of the body parts. It forms muscles.
Connective tissues bind structures rstmktJJ 结构 together; form a framework and support for organs and the body as a whole, store fat; transport substances, protect against disease, and help repair tissue damage. Examples are fat, cartilage rka:tilid3]软骨;bone, and blood.
Nervous tissue is found in the brain, spinal cord 脊髓'and nerves
:IQI]上皮/ connective [karnektiv]结缔组 织/ muscle
3. Organs and systems 器官和系统
Two or more tvpes of tissues are combined within the same structure to form an ORGAN. organs are in the thoracic [Oo/raesik] cavity: the heart and the lungs
organs are in the abdominal [aebfd3mirwl] pelvic Cpelvik] cavity: the liver, spleen, pancreas fpaenkrias]胰腺’ stomach, intestine [inftestin]肠,kidneys, urinary ['juarinari] bladder 膀胱,uterus Pjuitaras]子宫,etc.
Systems are groups of organs working together to perform complex functions. For example, the mouth, esophagus [irsMogos]食管'stomach, and small and large intestines are organs that do the work of the digestive system to digest food and absorb it into the bloodstream.
The 20 systems: Although viewed as whole, the human body is actually made up of ten different systems. Each of these systems plays a vital part in the entire body. Skeletal ['skelitdl] system 骨骼系统 Muscular「mAskjula] system Digestive system
Circulatory [,sa:kju'leit9ri] system 循环系统 Respiratory [ resparatari] system 呼吸系统 Skin system Nervous system
Excretory [ekRskri:tdri] (urinary) system 排泄系统 Reproductive [,ri:pn'dAktiv] system 生殖系统 Endocrine ['endsukrain] system 内分泌系统
It is through these ten specialized Cspejalaizd]专门fl 勺 systems all worki ng together that allows us to main tain every aspect of life from standing to sleeping to breathing. If any one of these systems fail, the entire in dividual suffers.
4. Body cavities 体腔
Five main cavities:
The human body consists of the following body cavities: 3 dorsal [cb:sal]背部的 body cavity 背体腔 cranial Ckreinial] cavity 颅腔'enclosed by the skull and contains the brain, eves, and ears.
spinal ['spainW] canal 脊髓蹴 enclosed by the spine and contains the spinal cord. 03 ventral body cavity 腹体腔
thoracic [O^/raesik] cavity 胸腔'enclosed by the ribcage and contains the lungs and heart.
03 abdominopelvic [aeb^Dmin^pelvik] cavity 盆腹腔 abdominal [aeb'dDminal] cavity 腹腔,enclosed by the ribcage and pelvis and contains the kidneys, ureters, stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas pelvic ['pelvik] cavity 盆腔* enclosed by the pelvis and con tains bladder, anus and reproductive system.
5. Nine abdominopelvic regions and four quadrants
Right upper quadrantCkwodrsnt] (RUQ) contains the liver (right lobe 右叶),gallbladderrgjJ.blaeda] 胆囊'part of the pancreas「paenkries]胰腺/ parts of the small and large intestine^in'testin]. Left upper quadrant (LUQ) contains the liver (left lobe), stomach, spleen, part of the pancreas, parts of the small and large intestines Right lower quadrant (RLQ) contains parts of the small and large intestines, right ovary, right fallopian tube” appendix, right ureter Left lower quadrant (LLQ) contains parts of the small and large intestines, left ovary, fallopian tube, left ureter. R/L Hypochondriac[,haip9u Iondriaek] regions 季肋区
Epigastric [.epi^aestrik] region 腹上部 R/L Lumbar [lAmbe] regions 腰区 Umbilical [Am'bilikal] region 脐
R/L Inguinal [Irjgwinal] regions 腹股沟区 Hypogastric [,haip$g圧strik] region 腹卜?部区
6. Division of the spinal column
The spinal column is composed of a series of bones that extend from the neck to the tailbone. Each bone is a vertebra (plural: vertebrae). The nervous tissue within the spinal cavity is spinal cord and the pad of cartilage between vertebrae is disk (disc). The spinal column is divided into five regions: cervical, thoracic, lumber, sacral and coccygeal, as explained below and shown in figure 2-16. Division Cervical ['S9:vikal] Thoracic Lumbar Sacral 「seikrsl] Abbreviation Location Neck region. There are seven cervical vertebrae (Cl—C7). Chest region. There are twelve thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12). Each bone joined to a rib. Loin (waist) or flank region (between the ribs and hipbone). There are five lumbar vertebrae [fve:tibri:] (L1-L5). Five bones (S1-S5) are fused to form one bone, the sacrum c T L S Coccygeal The coccyx (tail bone) is a small bone composed of four fused pieces. [kok'sid3i8l] Figure 2-16. An atomical divisi on of the spinal colum n