Geometry and thermodynamics of smeared Reissner-Nordstr(o)m black holes in d-dimensional A
Geometry and thermodynamics of smeared Reissner-Nordstr(o)m black holes in d-dimensional
AdS spacetime
Bo-Bing Ye;Ju-Hua Chen;Yong-Jiu Wang
【期刊名称】《中国物理:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2017(026)009
【摘要】We construct a family of d-dimensional Reissner-Nordstr(o)m-AdS black holes inspired by noncommutative geometry.The density distribution of the gravitational source is determined by the dimension of space,the minimum length of spacetime l,and other parameters (e.g.,n relating to the central matter density).The curvature of the center and some thermodynamic properties of these black holes are investigated.We find that the center of the source is nonsingular for n ≥ 0 (under certain conditions it is also nonsingular for-2 ≤ n < 0),and the properties
temperature,entropy,and heat capacity,are regular for n >-2.Due to the presence of l,there is an exponentially small correction to the usual entropy.
【总页数】8页(17-24) 【关键词】
【作者】Bo-Bing Ye;Ju-Hua Chen;Yong-Jiu Wang
【作者单位】College of Physics and Information Science, Hunan Normal
Geometry and thermodynamics of smeared Reissner-Nordstr(o)m black holes in d-dimensional A