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用计算机解决下列问题,使用工具不限,运行环境自行解决。 每题均需有清晰的解决问题的思路描述(流程图)。
将解题思路和输出结果截图插入到本文件中,以“姓名”保存提交。 拓展测试数据(要求)在测试结束前半小时发布。 各小题评分细则如下表: 评分等级要求 拓展测试正确 √ 结果正确 √ √ 未完成 流程清楚 √ √ √ 思路正确 √ √ √ √ 得分 25 20以上 10以上 5以上 0 如果使用非编程工具解决问题,适当扣分! 问题1:百钱百鸡
拓展测试:如果鸡翁一只钱 、鸡母一只钱 、鸡雏 只钱一,则鸡翁、鸡母、鸡雏又几何?
若一个正整数除了本身之外所有因子之和比此数自身小,则称此数为亏数(例如:8可以分解因数为1、2、4,且8 > 1+2+4,故8为亏数),请求出500以内的亏数和为 。
拓展测试:列出 以内的盈数和为 。(例如:12可以分解因数为1、2、3、4、6,且12 < 1+2+3+4+6,故12为盈数)
请对以下数据进行降序排序(显示格式不变)。 拓展测试:排序后前 项之和为 。
he Sunday Times reports that the system, created by Cambridge-based company NEC IT Solutions, works by scanning the faces of customers as they enter a store and checking them against a database.
The staff can then be alerted via computer, iPad or smartphone - along with details such as clothes size, favorite buys and spending history.
The system is currently being tried out in unnamed designer boutiques and hotels in the UK, the US and the Far East. Previously, the company has designed software to help identify terrorists and criminals for security services.
'We're trialling the system in general retail, which would include hotels and anything where the public are walking in,' NEC IT Solutions vice president explained to the paper.
'The luxury end of the market is quite interested in it - they're interested in VIPs.'
De Silva also added that they've addressed privacy concerns and found that most high-profile
customers would be 'quite happy to have their information available because they want a quicker service, a better-tailored service or a more personally tailored service'.
But some shoppers are fighting back against unwanted surveillance.
The New York Times reports that Nordstrom had been testing technology that would allow them to track customers' Wi-Fi signals from their smartphones. This allowed the company to analyse how long a shopper spent in a particular area and to track shopper movements, as well as how many people that walked past the store decided to enter.
But the retailer reportedly stopped the pilot in May after customer complaints became too numerous. Other stores, however, continue to experiment with using new technology to target customers.
Synqera, a start-up in St. Petersburg, Russia, is selling software for checkout devices or computers that tailors marketing messages to a customer's gender, age and mood, measured by facial recognition.
'If you are an angry man of 30, and it is Friday evening, it may offer you a bottle of whiskey,' said Ekaterina Savchenko, the company's head of marketing.