1、实话可能令人伤心,但胜过诺言。——瓦·阿扎耶夫 The truth may be sad, but it outweighs the promise. 2、一个伟大的灵魂,会强化思想和生命。——爱默生 A great soul strengthens thought and life.
It is not the cause for thought, but the thought for the cause. 4、一颗好心抵得过黄金。——莎士比亚 A good heart is worth gold.
5、我们唯一不会改正的缺点是软弱。——拉罗什福科 The only disadvantage we can't correct is weakness. 6、哪里有思想,哪里就有威力。——雨果 Where there is thought, there is power.
7、金钱比起一分纯洁的良心来,又算什么呢?——哈代 What is money compared to a pure conscience? 8、真诚才是人生最高的美德。——乔叟
Sincerity is the highest virtue in life.
A heart-to-heart conversation is a demonstration of the soul. 10、时间是我的财产,我的田亩是时间。——歌德 Time is my property, my field is time. 11、困难越大,荣耀也越大。——西塞罗
The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory. 12、意志薄弱的人不可能真诚。——拉罗什富科 A weak-willed person cannot be sincere.
13、虚伪是丑恶向美德的一种进贡。——拉罗什富科 Hypocrisy is a tribute of ugliness to virtue.
Once talent is dominated by laziness, it can do nothing. 15、世人缺乏的是毅力,而非气力。——雨果
What the world lacks is perseverance, not strength. 16、一两重的真诚,等于一吨重的聪明。——大仲马
One or two times sincerity is equal to one ton of wisdom. 17、合理安排时间,就等于节约时间。——培根
Reasonable arrangement of time is tantamount to saving time. 18、思想的自由就是最髙的独立。——费斯克
Freedom of thought is the most important independence. 19、万事开头难,每门科学都是如此。——马克思
Everything is difficult at the beginning, and so is every science. 20、有高尚思想的人永不会孤独的。——西德尼
He who has noble thoughts will never be lonely. 21、思想像胡须,不成熟就不可能长出来。——伏尔泰
Thoughts are like beards, they cannot grow up immature. 22、能克服困难的人,可使困难化为良机。——丘吉尔
Those who can overcome difficulties can turn them into good opportunities.
Without great difficulties, there will be no great cause. 24、应该笑着面对生活,不管一切如何。——伏契克 Face life with a smile, no matter what.
Without freedom of thought, there is no science and no truth. 26、逆境能打败弱者而造就强者。——尼克松
Adversity can defeat the weak and make the strong. 27、思考是心灵同它自身的交谈。——柏拉图
Thinking is a conversation between the mind and itself. 28、本性流露永远胜过豪言壮语。——莱辛
Natural expression is always better than bold words. 29、奇迹多在厄运中出现。——培根 Miracles often occur in misfortune.
30、真诚是一种心灵的开放。——拉罗什福科 Sincerity is an open mind.
31、老老实实最能打动人心。——莎士比亚 Honesty is the most touching thing. 32、懒惰等于将一个人活埋。——泰勒
Laziness is like burying a person alive. 33、被克服的困难就是胜利的契机。——贺拉斯 The difficulty overcome is the chance to win. 34、对一个有毅力的人来说,无事不可为。——海伍德 For a man of perseverance, nothing is impossible. 35、思想的形成,首先是意志的形成。——莫洛亚
The formation of thought is first of all the formation of will. 36、思路决定出路,布局决定结局。——牛根生
Thought decides the way out and layout decides the outcome. 37、谁没有耐心,谁就没有智慧。——萨迪 No one has patience, no one has wisdom.
Thoughts are like love and death. No one else can replace them. 39、如能善于利用,生命乃悠长。——塞涅卡 Life is long if you make good use of it.
We should exercise restraint in prosperity and be cautious in adversity.
41、怎样思想,就有怎样的生活。——爱默生 How you think, how you live.
Genius is the power of effort.
43、耐心和恒心总会得到报酬的。——爱因斯坦 Patience and perseverance are always rewarded. 44、春光不自留,莫怪东风恶。——莎士比亚 Don't blame the East Wind for the spring. 45、逆境是达到真理的一条通路。——拜伦 Adversity is a path to truth.
46、寿命的缩短与思想的虚耗成正比。——达尔文 The shortening of life span is proportional to the wasting of thought. 47、生命不等于是呼吸,生命是活动。——卢梭 Life is not breathing, life is activity. 48、耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。——柏拉图
Patience is the foundation of all intelligence. 49、谨慎和自制是智慧的源泉。——罗·彭斯
Caution and self-control are the source of wisdom. 50、完成工作的方法,是爱惜每一分钟。——达尔文
The way to finish the work is to cherish every minute. 51、抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。——莎士比亚 He who abandons time abandons it.
There is no way in the world, and more people will be the way. 53、最难得的勇气,是思想的勇气。——法朗士
The most rare courage is the courage of thought. 54、我们只有献出生命,才能得到生命。——泰戈尔 Only by giving our lives can we get them. 55、悠闲的生活与懒惰是两回事。——富兰克林 Leisure and laziness are two different things. 56、真诚是通向荣誉之路。——左拉 Sincerity is the road to honor.
57、人类的全部尊严,就在于思想!——帕斯卡尔 All human dignity lies in thought!
58、机运永远战斗在谨慎者一边。——欧里庇得欺 Aircraft always fights on the cautious side. 59、生活就是战斗。——柯罗连科 Life is battle.
There is greatness in truth, and there is truth in greatness.