【期刊名称】《肿瘤研究与临床》 【年(卷),期】2009(021)006
【摘要】化疗药物耐药是临床的常见问题,也是化疗药物临床应用的主要限制性因素之一.多西紫杉醇是目前临床应用较为广泛的广谱抗肿瘤药物,对于这一药物耐药机制的研究主要集中在药物转运、代谢途径改变以及细胞凋亡、细胞周期等通路方面的研究.在讨论上述领域研究进展的同时,重点介绍可能有临床应用价值的多西紫杉醇疗效预测分子标志.%Resistance is one of the most important reasons that restrict the clinical application of most chemotherapeutic medicines. Docetaxel is a very widely applicated antitumor medicine. Most of the researches on the mechanism of resistance against docetaxel focused on the drug transporters, changes in drug metabolism and pathway alteration of cell cycle and apoptnsis. The mechanism of docetaxel resistance and the predictive data based on clinical research to docetaxel therapy in cancer treatment were reviewed.
【关键词】多西紫杉醇;抗药性,肿瘤;治疗结果;研究 【作者】谢丽;魏嘉;刘宝瑞