【期刊名称】《无线电工程》 【年(卷),期】2012(042)007
【摘要】The polarization angle of the linearly polarized satellite communication antenna must be adjusted. According to the theory that any linear polarization wave can be synthesized with two orthogonal linear polarization waves, a method is proposed which controis the amplitude ratio of the two orthogonal linear polarization waves to realize the automatic polarization adjustment. The paper discusses the principle of automatic polarization adjustment, gives the method that can be used in engineering, and validates the method by measurement.%线极化工作方式的卫星通信天线需要进行极化调整。根据任意极化波可由空间2个正交的线极化波合成的理论,提出了一种自动极化调整方法,该方法通过控制2个正交线极化波的幅度比例,达到自动极化调整的目的。论述了自动极化调整原理,给出可用于工程的自动极化调整方法,并通过实测验证了该方法的正确性。 【总页数】3页(46-48)
【关键词】自动极化调整;极化角;卫星通信天线 【作者】刘英;路志勇;武伟
【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TN82 【相关文献】
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