摘要:为探明酸浆(Physalis alkekengi L.)种子对不同干旱处理的响应,为耐旱酸浆资源的开发利用提供科学依据,以酸浆的2个品种粒粒甜和铁把种子为材料,采用PEG-6000(质量分数分别为0、5%、10%、15%、20%、30%)模拟干旱胁迫的方法,比较了在干旱条件下酸浆2个品种种子的萌发和幼苗生长情况。结果表明,在5%的PEG-6000处理下,铁把种子的发芽势、发芽指数、芽长和对照相比有所上升,当处理质量分数超过10% 时,以上指标以及根长均随着PEG-6000质量分数的升高而急剧下降,当PEG-6000质量分数达到30%时,酸浆种子萌发受到显著的抑制。2个品种的种子活力指数差异较大,其中粒粒甜种子活力指数先上升后下降,铁把的种子活力指数持续下降。说明在干旱胁迫下,粒粒甜种子的萌发能力强于铁把。
关键词:酸浆(Physalis alkekengi L.);PEG-6000;种子萌发;幼苗生长
中图分类号:S641.4+78 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2024)12-0081-04
DOI:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2024.12.022 Abstract: In order to explore the physiological response
mechanism of Physalis alkekengi L. to different drought treatments, and provide scientific references for exploration and utilization of drought tolerant varieties, the seedlings of two P. alkekengi varieties, P. alkekengi cv. Lilitian and P. alkekengi cv. Tieba, were used as materials. Under the PEG-6000(mass fraction 0, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%) simulated drought stress, seed germination and seeding growth characteristics were measured. The research indicates that, at the concentration of 5% PEG-6000, the germination energy, germination index, bud length of the P. alkekengi cv. Tieba seed pulp were significantly increased compared with the control. When the treatment concentration was higher than 10%, the above indexes as well as root length decreased sharply with the increase of PEG-6000 concentration. When the concentration of PEG-6000 reached to 30%, the indexes of P. alkekengi seed were all at a very low level. The seed vigor index of the two varieties was different as the seed vigor of P. alkekengi cv. Lilitian increased first and then decreased; while the activity of P. alkekengi cv. Tieba seed decreased continuously. Under drought stress, the seed germination capacity of P. alkekengi cv. Lilitian is stronger than that of P. alkekengi cv. Tieba.
Key words: Physalis alkekengi L.; PEG-6000; seed germination; seedling growth
近年?恚?干旱已经成为制约植物生长和发育的重要胁迫因子之一,对农牧业产品的产量和品质造成严重影响[1]。聚乙二醇(Polyethylene Glycol,PEG-6000)作为一种渗透调节剂,可以模拟干旱胁迫,所以被应用于研究种子的萌发以及幼苗的生长[2]。酸浆(Physalis alkekengi L.)为茄科(Solanaceae)酸浆属(Physalis L.)多年生草本植物,株高约为50~80 cm,叶片多为卵形;浆果球状、黄色,味道酸甜,富含维生素C,还含有甾醇、黄酮、多糖等活性成分[3]。试验通过不同质量分数PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫,比较不同酸浆品种的种子抗旱性,旨在为耐旱酸浆资源的栽培利用提供参考。
1 材料与方法 1.1 材料
酸浆种子来源于哈尔滨金龙农业有限公司。品种分别是粒粒甜(P. alkekengi cv. Lilitian)和铁把(P. alkekengi cv. Tieba)。
1.2 试验设计
试验采用培养皿滤纸萌发法。分别选取2个酸浆品种中饱满程度一致的种子,置于0.5%的高锰酸钾消毒液消毒5 min,然后将种子在去离子水下冲洗干净,晾干备用。试验