【期刊名称】《医学综述》 【年(卷),期】2011(017)004
【摘要】谵妄在外科重症监护室发病率很高,并可带来多种并发症.关于外科重症监护室中谵妄的发病机制有多种学说.通过使用特定的简单的筛选列表可以尽快地诊断谵妄,尽可能地消除或减少危险因素可预防谵妄.对于可处置的危险因素可采取护理干预或医疗干预.谵妄的治疗需要寻找潜在原因,明确了原因实施非药物治疗无效时才考虑药物治疗.Tlirium occurs frequently in surgical intensive care unit and results in multiple complications. The pathological mechanism of delirium occurring in surgical intensive care unit is attributed to multiple theories. The use of a simple routine screening list allows the rapid diagnosis of delirium and minimizes the risk factors for the prevention of delirium. The manageable risk factors can be intervened by appropriate nursing or medical treatment. The treatment of delirium requires the identification of underlying causes whereas drug treatment is only indicated in the case of ineffective non-medical treatment with known cause. 【总页数】4页(552-555)
【关键词】重症监护室;谵妄;诊断;预防;治疗 【作者】郭勇