【期刊名称】《医学研究杂志》 【年(卷),期】2011(040)002
【摘要】Objective To observe the effects of diabetes mellitus on the cerebral autoregulation and its characteristics.Methods Twenty patients with diabetes mellitus and dysfunction of autonomic nenrous system and 20 age and gender matched normal controls were studied. The mean velocity of middle cerebral artery( MCA - Vm) was measured by transcranial Doppler( TCD) in the horizontal supine position, followed by a 5 - min supine - to - sit protocol. The mean arterial blood pressure ( MAP) and heart rate ( HR) were also monitored by full automatic monitor. Results MCA - Vm was lower in patients with diabetes mellitus eompared with normal controls in supine position ( 43. 83 ± 2. 84 vs 49. 85 ± 2. 73 , P < 0. 01 ) . During postural change from supine to sit, MCA - Vm was significantly decreased in both groups, but it declined gradually and leas steeply in patients with diabetes mellitus than in normal controls ( - 5. 23 ± 1 . 74 vs - 10. 45 ± 2. 30 ,P < 0.01 ) . Conclusion Diabetes mellitus with autonomic neuropathy may affect cerehral autoregulation, characterized by lower cerebral blood flow velocity in static position and decreased vasomotor responses during postural changes.%目的 观察伴有自主神经病变的糖尿病对脑血流自动调节功