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Unit1 单元检测A卷


1. Which of thefollowing is not a capital city? A. Ottawa. B. London. C. New York. D. Tokyo.

2. —Is Andy from ______ USA? —No.He is from ______ England. A.an; a B./; the C.the; / D. the; the

3. In some Westerncountries, shops are closed ______ weekends. A. in B. at C. to D. with

4. I usually eatdinner with my family in the ______. A. dining room B. living room C. bedroom D. kitchen

5.—What are you going to do this weekend? —Iwould like ______ my uncle. A.visiting B.visit C.to visit D. visits



6.My cousin has a small garden ______many beautiful flowers. A.of B.with C.about D. in

7. You should askyour brother ______ back as quickly as hecan. A. to come B. comes C. come D. coming

8.—______ is your room number? —It’sB225. It’s on the second floor. A.How much B.How many C.How D. What

9. 110,206 shouldbe read ______.

A. one hundred andten thousand two hundred and six B. one hundred andten thousands and two hundreds and six C. one hundred andten thousand and two hundred and six D. one hundred tenthousand two hundred and six

10. My best friendPaul lives on ______ floor in this tallbuilding. A. thirteenth B. thirteen C. the thirteen D. the thirteenth

11. —Mary, howmany students are there in your school? —______ A.Two thousands. B. Two thousand. 中小学最新教育资料

中小学最新教育资料 C. Two thousandsof. D. Two thousandof.

12.Everyhome has a kitchen and it is the place ______ meals. A. cook B. cooks C. to cook D. cooking

13.I wantto have a balcony in my house and I can ______ thebeach. A. look out at B. look up at C. look out D. look up

14.—Hello,may I speak to Kitty? —______ A.Yes, I am. B.I’m Kitty. C.Yes, speaking. D. Who are you?

15.—I hopeto visit your home some day. —______ A.Not at all. B.Many thanks. C.Take your time. D. Welcome.

二、完形填空(共10题,共10分) 1.

My name is Li Ming. I live in Nanjing with my parents. I am anew student in Sunshine Middle School. I am (1) of the best students in myclass.

My (2) home is in the country. The air there is fresh and it is (3) there.My house is very beautiful. There (4) at leastthree floors. There is a river (5) 中小学最新教育资料



