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1. 停放 2.指示牌 3.交通 4.罚款单 5.便条 6.地段 7. 提示 8.无视 ,失败 ,9.服从 2. 拓展单词 : 1.失败 (名词 )

第二部分 :本课重点语言知识

本单元语法 :条件 ,时间状语从句 :用正确的时态填空

1.If it _______ (rain ), I shall take an umbrella with me . 2.You never ________ (pass ) this test, if you don hard.

’ t work

3.If he _____ (be ) here before 10 o

’ clock , I shall see him .

4.If he plays well, he ______ (get ) into the team .

5.If he ______ (enjoy ) concerts, why doesn

’ t he come with us?

6.Tell him to wait for me if he ______ (be ) not in a hurry . 7.Don’ t get off the bus until it ___________.

a. stopped b. will stop c. has stopped

d. is stopping

单项选择 :

1.I can ’ t see the picture _____ glasses. a. with b. without c. on

2. What __________ the police doing ? They are running after a thief. a. is b. are 3. Three __________ were keeping guard on the airfield.a. police

b. policeman

4. You should pay attention ____ your handwriting . ( 书写 ,书法 ) .A . to

b. of

5. Usually snow is the _________of winter. a. sign b. signal

6. Please ______ me __________ the date of the important meeting. a remember , of b. remind , on c. remind , of d. remember , about

7. This is ___________ area.a. No Parks

b. No Parking


8. He failed ___________ the phone when he was taking a shower. a. to receive

b. to answer

c. answering

d. receiving

9. She told me that she _____ it the next day.a. will d

b. would do

c. has done10. If he ____ hard , he will fail the exam .a. doesn

b. don’ t’worktwork

c. won 翻译句子 :

1. 失败是成功之母 . 2. 我在瑞典过得很愉快。 (enjoy, stay ) 3. 请提醒他不要把车错了地方 . (remind, park ) 4. 你是不会不遵照执行一个有礼貌的请求的 . (fail, obey ,request 5.如果警察没给你罚单就让你走了 , 算你走运。

c. policemen

c. on

c. Not Parking

d. Noned. did

t work

d. not work

book2-16 答案

本单元语法 :条件 , 时间状语从句 :



2. will pass 3. is 4. will get 5. enjoys 6. is 7. c

单项选择 : 1.B 2. B3. C4. A5. A 6. C 7. B 8.B 9. B 10. A

翻译句子 :1.Failure is the mother of success.

2. I enjoy my stay in Sweden . 3. Please remind him not to park his car in the wrong place. 4. You can ’ t fail to obey a polite request.

5. You will be lucky if the policeman lets you go without a ticket.


