Combined Starters and Movers Thematic Vocabulary List
Class Name Animals(动物)
animal动物, bat 蝙蝠, bear熊, cage笼子, bird鸟, cat猫, chicken小鸡, cow奶牛 , crocodile鳄鱼, dog狗, dolphin海豚, duck鸭子, elephant大象, fish鱼, fly苍蝇, frog青蛙,
giraffe长颈鹿, goat山羊, hippo 河马, horse马, kangaroo袋鼠,
kitten小猫, lion狮子, lizard蜥蜴, monkey猴子, mouse老鼠(mice), panda熊猫, parrot鹦鹉,pet宠物,puppy小狗,rabbit兔子,shark鲨鱼,sheep绵羊,snake蛇,spider蜘蛛,tail尾巴,tiger老虎,whale鲸鱼,zoo动物园
The body and face(身体和脸部)
arm 手臂, back背, beard 胡须, blonde金发碧眼的, body身体, curly弯曲的, ear耳, eye 眼, face 脸, fair头发, hand 手, head 头, leg 腿, moustache 小胡子, mouth 嘴, neck脖子, nose鼻子, shoulder肩, smile微笑, stomach胃, straight直的, tooth/teeth牙齿
Clothes (服装)
bag 包, clothes衣服, coat上衣, dress女服, glasses眼镜, handbag手袋, hat帽, jacket夹克, jeans牛仔裤, scarf围巾, shirt衬衣, shoe鞋, skirt裙子, sock
袜, sweater毛衣, trousers长裤, T-shirt圆领汗衫, watch手表, wear穿 Colours(颜色)
black黑色, blue蓝色, brown棕色, green绿色, grey灰色, orange桔色, pink粉红, purple紫色, red红色, white白色, yellow黄色
Family & Friends(家庭与朋友)
aunt姑妈, baby婴儿, boy男孩, brother兄弟, child/children小孩, cousin堂兄妹, dad爸爸, daughter女儿, family家庭, father父亲, friend朋友, girl女孩, granddaughter孙女, grandfather祖父, grandma奶奶, grandmother祖母, grandpa爷爷, grandparent祖父母, grandson孙子, grown-up长大成人, live居住, man/men男人, Miss小姐, mother母亲, Mr先生, Mrs太太, mum妈妈, old老, parent父母, person人, people人们, sister姐妹, son儿子, their他们的, them他们, they他们, uncle叔叔, us我们, we我们, woman/women女人, you你, young年轻, your你的 Food and Drink(食物和饮料)
apple苹果,banana香蕉,bean豆子,bottle瓶子,bowl碗,bread面包,breakfast早餐,lunch午餐,supper晚餐,burger堡包,cake蛋糕,carrot胡萝卜,cheese奶酪,chicken鸡肉,chips炸薯条,coconut椰子,coffee咖啡,cup茶杯,dinner宴会,drink饮料,eat吃,egg蛋,fish鱼,food食品,fries薯条,fruit水果,a glass of一杯,grape葡萄,hungry饿的,icecream冰淇淋,juice果汁,lemon柠檬,lemonade柠檬汁,lime酸橙,mango芒果,meat肉,milk牛奶,onion洋葱,orange橙子,pasta意大
Health 健康
cold冷, cough咳嗽, dentist牙医, doctor,医生 earache耳朵痛, fine,不错 headache头疼, hospital 医院, hurt疼 , matter 事情(What’s the matter? 怎么啦), nurse,护士 stomachache肚子痛, temperature温度, toothache牙疼
The Home家
address住址, apartment公寓, armchair扶手椅子, balcony阳台, basement地下室, bath沭浴, bathroom浴室, bed床, bedroom卧室, blanket毛毯, bookcase书架, box盒子, camera照相机, chair椅子, clock时钟, computer计算机, cupboard食橱, desk书桌, dining room饭厅, doll洋娃娃, door门, downstairs楼下, dream梦, elevator电梯, fan扇子, flat公寓, floor地板, flower花, garden花园, hall门厅, home家, house房子, kitchen厨房, lamp台灯, lift电梯, living room客厅, mat垫子, mirror镜子, painting画, phone电话, picture图画, radio收音机, room房间, shopping购物, shower淋浴, sleep睡觉, sofa沙发, stair台阶, table桌子, television电视, toothbrush牙刷, towel毛巾, toy玩具, tree树, upstairs楼上, wall墙壁, wash洗, watch手表, window窗户
one一, two二, three三, four四, five五, six六, seven七, eight八, nine九, ten十, eleven十一, twelve十二, thirteen十三, fourteen十四, fifteen十五, sixteen十六, seventeen十七, eighteen十八, nineteen十九, twenty二十, twenty-one二十一, thirty-two三十二, forty四十, forty-three四十三, fifty五十, fifty-four五十四, sixty-five六十五, seventy-six七十六, eighty-seven八十七, ninety-eight九十八, a hundred一百, first第一, second第二, third第三, fourth第四, fifth第五, sixth第六, seventh第七, eighth第八, ninth第九, tenth第十, eleventh第十一, twelfth第十二的, thirteenth第十三, fourteenth第十四, fifteenth第十五, sixteenth第十六, seventeenth第十七, eighteenth第十八, nineteenth第十九, twentieth第二十
Places & Directions地方 &方向
above上方, bank银行, behind在后面, between在两者之间, bus station公共汽车站, café咖啡馆, cinema电影院, farm农场, here这里, hospital医院, in在里面, in front of在前面, library图书馆, map地图, market市场, next to挨着, on在上面, park公园, place地方, playground运动场, road道路, shop商店, square广场, store商店, straight直, street街道, supermarket市场, swimming pool游泳池, there 那里, under在下面, zoo动物园 School学校
alphabet字母, answer回答, ask问, board板, book书, bookcase书柜
class班级, classroom教室, close关闭, colour颜色, computer计算机, correct纠正, cross穿过, cupboard食橱, desk书桌, door门, draw画画, English英语, eraser橡皮, example例子, find发现, floor地板, homework家庭作业, know知道, learn学习, lesson课, letter信, line线, listen听, look看, mistake错误, name名字, number数字, open打开, page页数, part部分, pen钢笔, pencil铅笔, picture图片, playground运动场, question问题, read阅读, right正确, rubber橡皮, ruler尺子, school学校, sentence句子, spell拼写, story故事, teacher老师, tell告诉, test测试, text课文, tick打勾, understand理解, wall墙壁, window窗户, word单词, write写
Sports & Leisure运动 &空闲
badminton羽毛球, ball球, baseball棒球, basketball篮球, bat球拍, beach海滩, bike自行车, boat船, book书, bounce跳, camera照相机, catch接住, CD激光唱碟, comic/comic book连环图画/ 漫画, doll洋娃娃, draw画画, drive驾车, DVD, enjoy享受, favourite喜欢的事物, film电影, fish鱼, fly飞行, football足球, game游戏, guitar吉他, hit打, hobby爱好, hockey曲棍球, holiday假日, jump跳跃, kick踢, kite风筝, listen听, movie电影, music音乐, paint涂色, party聚会, photo照片, piano钢琴, picture图片, play玩耍, present礼物, radio收音机, read阅读, ride乘坐, run奔跑, sing唱, skate溜冰, soccer足球, song唱歌, sport运动, sports centre运动中心, story故事, swim游泳, swimming