Unit1 Come with me
教学设计 一、 课例名称:Unit1 Come with me! 二、 执教教师: 三、 指导教师: 四、 课型:第1课时(Conversation) 五、 学段:五年级上学期 六、 教材版本:广东人民出版社《FRIENDS WITH ENGLISH》 七、教学设计 (一)、教学目标 1. 知识与技能目标 A.Students can listen, speak, read, and spell the words: come with me ,we can’t fly and badminton. B.Students can comprehend, act and read the conversation well and get some information from it. 2.能力目标 A.Students can remember the words by easy ways. B.Students can comprehend, read and act the conversation well and get some information from it, and know about cultures about Hainan island. C.Students can use the new phrases and sentences to arise their oral English. 3. 情感目标 A.Let students know more cultures and knowledge. B.To arouse students’ interests in English reading while teaching by story. Encourage students to join in the cooperation. (二)、教学重点 A.Students can listen, speak, read, and spell the words: come with me ,we can’t fly and badminton. b.Students can comprehend, act and read the conversation well and get some information from it. (三)、教学难点 A.Students can comprehend and act the conversation and get some information from it. B.Students can express some phrases. (四)、教学策略 1.教学准备: (1)学生准备:完成预习的家庭作业;分好小组并选好组长。 (2)教师准备:课件、歌曲视频、学生练习 2.教学方法: 本节课主要以老师引导,学生小组合作学习为主体,采用视听说教学法、对话表演法和任务型教学法进行教学。 (1)通过多种活动形式,如“唱歌”、“对话表演”等,营造一个宽松、和谐、愉悦的学习氛围,调动学生学习的积极性。 (2) 在加强学习方法指导的同时,培养学生自主学习的能力和合作探究的精神,如:小组合作表演对话、探究自主写作等。 (3) 充分发挥评价的作用,通过多元化的评价,如“比比谁飞得高” 看看哪一个小组表现积极等课堂竞争机制,实现“以评促学”。 3.课堂练习:
(1)、看图说单词造句。 (2)、填空完成句子。 (3)、钓鱼吊出问题的正确答案。 (4)、编造故事。 4、板书设计:
5、Teaching aids: PPT ,some objects ,headdress 6、Approaches: Situational teaching method, task-based activities,
Self-study and cooperation study methods. 八、教学过程 Step 1 Organization 1. Warming up. (Teacher and the students do the actions sing the song what do you want to do?) 【设计意图】 通过唱歌做动作,可以训练孩子们灵敏的反应能力,并且可以调动他们的学习热情,拉近师生的距离,调动课堂气氛。 2. Free talk. (Talk about: What do you want to do?) 【设计意图】 Free talk可以贴近孩子们的生活,走近他们的世界,为以下的学习做以旧带新作用,提高孩子们对旧知识的巩固。 Step 2 Presentation (一)Pre-reading 1. Show a happy hare(Happy hare 快活旅游). I want to have a trip. Do you want to come with me ? “Come with me !”Read the title. 【设计意图】 通过情景的设置,巧妙地引出快活旅游,让孩子眼前一亮,为整个Conversation的教学做铺垫,引出课题。 2. Show a hang glider: Boys and girls, we don’t go by bus. Yes, we are going to go by “hang glider” (With excited mood.) (After watched)T: Can it fly? Ss: Yes .A hang glider can fly. T: What about a butterfly? Can it fly? S: A butterfly can fly. T: What about we? Can we fly? Ss: No, we can’t fly.(板书) 【设计意图】 通过图片和实物的呈现,巧妙引出让孩子们出乎意料的旅行交通工具hang glider,拓宽孩子们的视野,加深他们对滑翔翼在真实生活的使用有了进一步的认识。 2. Show another scene: Look! I am flying now. Do you want to come with me? Teach: come with me. Then invite a student to come with the teacher, then let the student invite the other Ss and flying with the hang glider around the classroom . 【设计意图】 通过围绕教室一圈,邀请孩子们一起驾驶滑翔翼,引出新词组come with me的学习,用这种方式可以活跃课堂气氛,通过对比,让孩子们理解和表达,
3. Show the 3rd scene: T: Ah, ah, boys and girls. Here comes our charm journey. Show a picture (Hainan island): T: Let’s go! Wow! Here is Hainan Island(Ss read ).There are so many coconut trees on Hainan Island. Next show the other picture (Monkey Island).T:WU!(flying action)Here is ….the monkey are lovely, they can ride the bike.(Ss say Monkey Island).Then show the two pictures and choose the right words: 【设计意图】 通过charm journey的巧妙引入,渗透海南岛和猴岛的文化,再次提升孩子们对中国岛屿文化的学习能力,也顺理成章的解决a good island ,an island和two islands的用法。 (二)While reading A.First read to find where is Gogo going?
【设计意图】 带着问题阅读,通过问题激发孩子们的求知欲望,训练快速阅读能力。
B. Second read to find: What are the children doing?Fishing the correct sentences! And teach the word: badminton . (After Ss reading , check their reading ability) 【设计意图】 有趣的钓鱼找出答案,调动了孩子们的学习热情,训练敏捷的思维能力和提升阅读能力。 c. Third read to catch the sentences well (Ask some Ss to read the sentences To see who can model the good sound)
【设计意图】训练孩子们的快速反应能力和语言表达能力,彰显孩子的表演欲望。 (三)Post-reading Show the whole conversation. 1. Let Ss watch the whole conversation. 2. Open the books let Ss read the whole conversation with actions after teacher. 3. Divide into the groups,let Ss try a roll play. 【设计意图】 设计由分到总的读,这个环节是整体阅读,让学生观看完整的故事来感受其内容和情节,并以小组为单位分角色朗读,老师对学生的朗读进行指导。通过分角色阅读,孩子们训练了自己的语音、语调,以及灵敏的反应能力。 Step 3 Extensions 1.Show the last scene of conversation to teach:
Unit1 Come with me