课计量经济学 程名称 学18 号 实验地点 实验楼309 实验时间 2013/10/25 班级 统计1102 姓名 实1. 多元线性回归模型的估计与检验 验2. 多元线性回归模型的预测与变量解释 目3. 非线性回归模型估计 标 1. 人口增长率作为被解释变量,以反映中国人口的增长;选择“国名收入”及“人 均GDP”作为经济整体增长的代表;选择“居民消费价格指数增长率”作为居 民消费水平的代表。 b Model Summary Adjusted R Model R R Square Square Std. Error of the Estimate a1 .968 .936 .924 .90910 a. Predictors: (Constant), 人均GDP, 居民消费价格指数增长率, 国民总收入 b. Dependent Variable: 人口自然增长率 实 验 内 bANOVA 容 Sum of Model 1 Regression Residual Total Squares 182.246 12.397 194.643 df 3 15 18 Mean Square F Sig. .000 a60.749 73.505 .826 a. Predictors: (Constant), 人均GDP, 居民消费价格指数增长率, 国民总收入 b. Dependent Variable: 人口自然增长率 Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Std. Model 1 (Constant) 国民总收入 居民消费价格指数增长率 人均GDP -.006 .001 -7.561 -3.969 .001 -.009 -.003 B 15.720 .000 .050 Error .870 .000 .033 Beta t Sig. Coefficients 95.0% Confidence Interval for B Lower Bound 13.865 .000 -.021 Upper Bound 17.575 .001 .120 a 18.064 .000 6.702 3.535 .003 .120 1.509 .152 a. Dependent Variable: 人口自然增长率 Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Std. Model 1 (Constant) 国民总收入 人均GDP B 16.532 .000 -.006 Error .711 .000 .001 Beta t 23.262 7.233 3.736 -8.157 -4.213 Sig. .000 .002 .001 Standardized Coefficients 95.0% Confidence Interval for B Lower Bound 15.025 .000 -.009 Upper Bound 18.038 .001 -.003 a a. Dependent Variable: 人口自然增长率 3. Residuals Statistics a Predicted Value Std. Predicted Value Standard Error of Predicted Value Adjusted Predicted Value Residual Std. Residual Stud. Residual Deleted Residual Stud. Deleted Residual Mahal. Distance Cook's Distance Centered Leverage Value Std. Minimum 4.9506 -1.510 .260 Maximum 14.2768 1.436 .704 Mean 9.7305 .000 .363 Deviation 3.16548 1.000 .100 N 19 19 19 4.4158 -1.72287 -1.824 -1.960 -1.99050 -2.177 .412 .000 .023 13.9960 1.45325 1.538 1.715 1.80718 1.839 9.036 .239 .502 9.6792 .00000 .000 .023 .05137 .020 1.895 .065 .105 3.20772 .89065 .943 1.024 1.05670 1.063 1.913 .071 .106 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 a. Dependent Variable: 人口自然增长率 3. 自变量x为药剂量; 因变量y为药物反应程度。 Parameter Estimates 95% Confidence Interval Parameter c0 c1 c2 Estimate Std. Error 99.541 6.761 4.800 1.567 .422 .050 Lower Bound 95.705 5.729 4.677 Upper Bound 103.376 7.794 4.922 ANOVA Source Regression Residual Uncorrected Total Corrected Total Sum of Squares 37839.852 20.188 37860.040 14917.889 df 3 6 9 8 Mean Squares 12613.284 3.365 a Dependent variable: 药物反应程度 a. R squared = 1 - (Residual Sum of Squares) / (Corrected Sum of Squares) = .999. 实验 21. R=0.968,说明模型拟合优度高,Sig约等于0说明模型通过了F检验,又因为x2(居结民消费价格指数增长率)的sig大于0.05没有通过t检验所以应剔除。由剔除后表得方论 ^^总程常数项为16.532,?1=0.0004,?3=-.006, 结 ^ 得出回归方程为:y=16.532+0.0004x1—0.006x3 2.区间为(4.9506,14.2768)点为:9.7305 3. 回归模型: