【期刊名称】《膜科学与技术》 【年(卷),期】2011(031)005
【摘要】分别采用分光光度法和总有机碳(TOC)测定法测定超滤膜对6种标示物(牛血清蛋白,鸡蛋白,α-糜蛋白,PEG20000,PEG10000,PEG6000)的截留率,以比较两种分析方法对膜表征的影响.结果表明:分光光度法和TOC法截留率测定结果较吻合.从数据稳定性来看,两种方法能较一致的测定出超滤膜的切割分子量;但是当截留率较低时,滤出液成分较复杂,两种方法所得结果则存在一定差异.指出分光光度法存在蛋白泡沫、试样液浓度选择、稀释以及PEG显色时间影响问题,并介绍了避免或减轻以上情况的措施,通过比较,发现TOC测定法具有快速、稳定、精确度高、环保等优点.%The comparison between the methods of ultraviolet spectrophotometry and total organic carbon analysis to determine the rejection of the ultrafiltration membrane was made based on studies of the ultrafiltration performance of PVDF membrane and PES membrane. Based on 10 series of parallel tests using 6 probe solutes (egg white albumin and bovine serum albumin, a - chymotrypsin and PEG2000, PEG10000, PEG6000). The results got from ultraviolet spectrophotometry coincide with that from TOC analysis. Factor analysis was use to further discuss the influence of method choice. The problems of ultraviolet spectrophotometry such as PEG coloration time were discussed. And the advantages including speed,