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M3U3 Project 1


1. To know different ways of communication. 2. Learn about the lost civilizations.

3. Manage to get the general idea of the passage. 4. Learn how to make a time chart.

Important points:

1. Different ways of communication

2. Learn about the development of English.

3. Understand the expressions in the text and try to make sense of them.



根据所给汉语完成下列句子。 1. 昨天他被警察当场捉住偷车。

He was _________ ___________ by the police yesterday. 2. 她发现有人在跟踪她时感到很害怕。

She felt very frightened when she ________ someone _________ her. 3. 你想要我放弃这份另找一份工作吗?

Do you want me _______ ________ up this job and _________ another one? 4. 刷牙时不要让水流个不停。

Don’t keep the water _________ all the time while ________your teeth. 5. 我有的是书,需要的是钱。

What I have _________books and what I need ________ money. 6. 为什么要阻止我们进入会议室?

Why are we prevented _________ _________ the meeting-room? 7.他不知道自己的生日,这事让我们都惊异。(用强调句型)



1. How time flies! More than two weeks _______(pass) already.

2. Neither he nor I _______(be) a basketball player, because we just like watching others to play. 3. Where and when to go _________(not decide) yet. Maybe we need to have another discussion. 4. Maths, as well as physics__________(be) a bit difficult, but you should never drop it. 5. The Green family _________(be) not big, and all ________(enjoy) Chinese food. 6. Everyone except Tom and John _________(be) there when the meeting began.

7. This kind of glasses ________(sell) well here. But glasses of that kind ________(not sell) well. 8. I hear clothes ___ __(be) on sale at half price. How much ______ this pair of trousers ______(cost) ? 【教学反思】:


9. Every boy and every girl of this class _________( invite) to Mr. White’s party yesterday. 10. Two hundred yuan ________(be) quite a large sum of mother to me. 11. What he thinks about___________(be) how he can serve people better.

12. Every possible means _________(try) by us so far. That is to say all possible means _______(try) . 13. Eating a lot of fruit and vegetables ___________(do) good to your health.

Step2 fast reading

1.What country is the author from? Canada

2. What is one main similarity between Pompeii and Loulan? Both of them became lost civilizations about 2,000 years ago. 3. Who was made director of the Pompeii dig in 1860? The Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli. 4. Who is Professor Zhang?

An archaeologist from the local cultural institute. Please choose the best answer :

1)What happened soon after the ruins of Pompeii was found?

A. It was well protected by the local government. B. It was dug by the Italian archaeologist Giuseppe.

C. It was badly damaged by people digging in the area for treasure. D. The bodies of people buried were stolen. 2) Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Both of the two cities are lost civilizations about 2,000 years ago. B. Both of the two cities were discovered by local people.

C. Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano while Loulan was gradually covered over by sandstorms. D. Pompeii was in Italy while Loulan was in China. 3) The purpose of writing this passage is_______.

A. To show how happy the writer was to have such a chance to visit the sites. B. To arouse people’s sense of protecting civilizations C. to compare the civilizations of Pompeii and Loulan D. To tell us how Pompeii and Loulan were destroyed. Step 3

Please read the passage carefully and try to fill the blanks.

第2页,共4页 Pompeii Where was it located? (1)Italy China Loulan When was it founded? In the 8th century BC (5) about 2,000 years ago What kind of city was it? a rich city (6) a wealthy commercial city Why was it destroyed? (2)gradually covered over by volcano the eruption of Vesuvius (7)sandstorms How was it discovered? In the 18th century, a farmer (8) 100 years ago, the Swedish found some stone with writing explorer Sven Hedin discovered on it,then people started to dig. the ruins of it as well as a lot of treasures. What can you find about the Streets with(3) stepping The city walls,(9) city now? stones along the road palaces,temples, workshops and Houses with(4)mosaic floors towers,an ancient water system and wall paintings that ran through the middle of the Bodies of people that had been city turned to stone


Fill in the blanks with proper words.


Both Pompeii in ________and Loulan in China became ____ ________ about 2000 years ago. Pompeii was ________ in the 8th century BC and was _____ _______ by the Romans in 89BC. On 24th Aug.AD79, Mount Vesuvius _________ and the city were _______ __________. Loulan was a _________ _________ on the Silk Road. It disappeared under the ________. There are just a few _________ left. Some _________, such as coins and painted pots, was found. 答案 完成句子. 1. caught stealing 2. found; following 3. to give; find 4. running; brushing 5. are; is 6. from entering 7.It is the fact that he doesn’t know his own birthday that surprises us all. 动词填空 1.has passed 2. am 3. hasn’t been decided 4. is 5. is; enjoy 6. was 7. sells; don’t sell 8. are; does; cost 9. has been invited 10. is 11. is 12. has been tried; have been tried 13. does 14. contributes 15. is; am 选择C B B 课堂巩固Italy / lost civilizations / founded / taken over / erupted / buried alive / stopping point / storm / ruins / treasure




