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大量实验证明,把同一个量子体系分成几个部分,未检测之前,永远不知道这些部分的准确状态。如果检测出其中之一的状态,在这瞬间其他部分立即调整自己的状态与之相应, 这种的量子体系的状态就叫“纠缠态”。 量子信号的传输利用量子纠缠态,女人与男人离得很远,一个在地球上,一个在火星上,他俩用量子纠缠来传输信息,女人在B点,有B光子,男人在C点,有C光子,光子B和C处于纠缠态,光子B加作用信息,光子C就会马上得到。
Explain Quantum Entanglement
Yunnan Yunwei shares large system coke instrument Huang Zhaorong
Quantum entanglement is about two or more things they are in different states of the superposition, they must have a clear relationship between each other. This is quantum entanglement.
A large number of experiments have proved that the same quantum system is divided into several parts, not detected before, never know the exact state of these parts. If the detection of one of the state, at this moment the other parts immediately adjust their own state corresponding to,
The state of this quantum system is called \
Quantum signal transmission using quantum entanglement, women and men are very far away, one on Earth, one on Mars, they use quantum entanglement to transmit information, woman at point B, there are B photon, man at point C, There are C photons, photons B and C in the entangled state, photon B plus information, photon C will be immediately available.
Each quantum is an electromagnetic field, the electromagnetic field will be between the role of electromagnetic force, that is, between the role of electromagnetic force between the quantum. A certain quantum changes, will lead to changes in the surrounding electromagnetic field spread to distant, such as light waves, sound waves, electromagnetic waves, etc., are the same principle.