Additional manure device for field
申请(专利)号: JP19920074581U
专利号: JPH0638427U 主分类号: A01C15/00
申请权利人: 株式会社共立
公开国代码: JP 优先权国家: JP
摘 要:
(57)< Abstract > < Objective > When labor and the time when it requires for additional manure job can be reducedTogether, doing the said job
without touching the hand the fertilizerThe fertilizer which it is possible, administers the situation which is let flow by the rainwater and the likeBe able to prevent effectively, vis-a-vis the crop which is planted the necessary being fullAmount way it is possible to administer the fertilizer of the tonnage equally without wastefulness,Offer the additional manure device for the field which is done. < Constitution > Wing hiller 30 of
converse skipper die to rear side of wheel 12Distribution facilities in the monocyclic job car of self-propelled type or the hand driving type which are done, hotsuAs fertilizer feeder 41 of per die is disposed, this fertilizerIt was supplied to the lower part of feeder 41, from the said fertilizer feeder 41Fertilizer H with both sides of aforementioned wheel 12 front of
aforementioned wing hiller 30Distributing
申请日: 1992-10-26 公开公告日: 1994-05-24
分类号: A01C15/00;
A01B49/00 发明设计人: 高島 武士;
植村 徹哉; 深川 善範 申请国代码: JP
优先权: 19921026 JP
摘 要 附 图:
to two muscles to side, flowing down the fertilizer distribution flowing down vessel 60 which obtainsProviding, it becomes. 主权项:
【請求項1】 車輪(12)の後方側に逆船頭型の培土器(30)が配設された自走式もしくは手押し式の一輪作業車に、ホッパー型の肥料供給機(41)を配備するとともに、この肥料供給機(41)の下方に、該肥料
权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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Additional manure device for field