Sample Test
I. Reading Comprehensions (40%)
II. Multiple Choices: Choose one right answer from the four choices: (20%)
1.The highest mountain in Britain is ____. A. Scafell C. the Cotswolds
B. Ben Nevis D. the Forth
2. The longest river in Britain is _____. A. the Clyde
B. the Mersey D. the Thames
C. the Severn
3. The largest lake in Britain is _____. A. the Lough Neagh C. Coniston Water
B. Windermere Water D. the Lake District
4. The first inhabitants in Britain were _____. A. the Normans C. the Iberians
B. the Celts D. the Anglo-Saxons
5. Christmas Day ____, Duke William was crowned in Westminster Abbey. A. 1056 C. 1006
B. 1066 D. 1060
6. The British Industrial Revolution first began in the industry. A. iron and steel B. textile C. coal-mining D. ship-building 7. The author of Wealth of Nations (国富论) is . A. Adam Smith B. David Richardo C. Thomas Malthus D. Robert Owen 8. The first British colony was . A. New England B. Newfoundland C. West Indies D. India 9. In which year did Japan attack Pearl Harbor ? A. 1939 B. 1940 C. 1941 D.1942 10. Of the five Great Lakes, Lake _______ is wholly within the US.
A. Superior B. Michigan C. Huron D. Erie 11. The Constitution of the United States was framed in _____ in 1787. A. Washington B. Boston C. New York D. Philadelphia 12. Christopher Columbus was a(n) _ navigator . A. English B. French C. Italian D. Spanish 13. The New World discovered by Columbus was named after . A. Amerigo Vespucci B. Christopher Columbus C. Ferdinand Magellan D. Marco Polo
14. The earliest British settlement on North America was .
A. Plymouth B. Jamestown C. Quebec D. St. Louis
15. The Puritans’ first settlement on North America was . A. Jamestown B. Plymouth C. New Orleans D. Virginia
16.. The Second Continental Congress was held in . A. New York City B. Boston C. Philadelphia D. Valley Forge
17. In the late half of the 19th century, was the main objective of the US overseas expansion.
A. India B. China C. Vietnam D. African 18. The dominant ethnic group in the United States today is ____. A. the Black people C. Asian Americans
B. WASPs D. Hispanics
19. The state of ___ is the largest in population today. A. New York C. Arizona
B. Colorado D. California
20. The British colonists forced the Qing government to conclude the Treaty of in 1842.
A. Peking B. Nanking C. Tientsin D. Canton
III. True or False Statements: (5%, 0.5*10) 主要来自练习题 1. England is smaller than the combined territory of Scotland and Wales. 2. The first Christian church was established at Canterbury, England, in 597.
3. The Scottish language is derived from Old English.
4. The queen appoints the leader of the minority party as prime minister.
5. The ship known as the Mayflower carried the first group of 102 Separatists into New England in 1620.
IV. Matching (10%)
1. impeachment
a. a popular American song b. author of the Wealth of Nations c. proposals of legislation d. for committing high crime e. Protestant ideology
f. the capital city of Northern Ireland g. the national bird of America h. honest Abe i. stock market crash j. Ohio River
2. Black Thursday 3. Lincoln
4. American Ruhr 5. Adam Smith 6. Protestantism 7. Belfast
8. motions 9. Bald eagle
10. Yankee Doodle
V. Translation of the following terms. (10%, 1*10)
主要来自课件与书本后的练习, 例如:
1. the Hadrian’s Wall: 2. Alfred the Great 3. William the Conqueror 4. the battle of Hastings 5. the Great Charter
VI. Answering the following questions briefly (5%)
1. Who is the present sovereign of the UK?
2. How many parts make the British Parliament? And what are they? 3. Who is the present Prime Minister of the UK? 4. Where does the Prime Minister live and work? 5. What are the two major parties in the U.K. now?
VII. Essay Questions ( Choose one of the following two and answer the question with no less than 80 words, 10%)
1. Who were the main foreign invaders of Britain at different times in British history?
2. How did the Norman Conquest influence the development of the English language?
sample test英语国家概况