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Q1: When does the 2020 Virgin Money London Marathon take place? A: The 2020 Virgin Money London Marathon takes place on Sunday 26 April. Q2 : I have moved. How do I let you know my change of address?

A; Please email changeofaddress@londonmarathonevents. co. uk with your name, date of birth, telephone number, old address and your new address.

Q3: I need a hotel in London for the weekend of the race — any advice?

A: Virgin Money London Marathon hotel packages are available at Holiday Inn? and other IHG? hotels in and around London, and include a champion's breakfast and coach transfer to the Start Line so you arrive rested and ready to run your victory lap. Visit www. restandrun. holidayinn. com to find out more.

Q4: I am a visually disabled runner. Where can I find out more about running with a guide?

A: If you are a runner with a visual disability and would like to find out more about running with a guide, please contact disability@londonmarathonevents, co. uk.

Q5: What time does the race start?

A: Start times for the 2020 Virgin Money London Marathon are as follows; 09: 05 Elite Wheelchair Races

09: 10 World Para Athletics Marathon Championships Ambulant Athletes 09: 25 The Elite Women's Race

10 :10 The Elite Men's Race, British Athletics & England Athletics Marathon Championships and Mass Race

Q6: What time do I need to get to the Start?

A: We suggest you get to your Start at least one hour before the race begins. This will allow time for you to use the facilities, warm up and take your position.

Q7: Can I track a runner during the race?

A: Yes. On Race Day, there will be a link to our tracking service on the home page of www. virginmoneylondonmarathon. com. The best way to track a runner is by using the

runner's running number. If you do not have the running number, it is also possible to search for a runner by surname.

1.Which address should you contact if you need to run with a guide? A.www. restandrun. holidayinn. com. B.disability@londonrnarathonevents. co. uk. C.www. virginmoneylondonmarathon. com. D.changeofaddress@londonmarathoncvents. co. uk.

2.If Ann attends the Elite Women's Race, what's the best time to get to the Start? A.08: 20. C.09: 10.

3.How can we track a runner during the race? A.With the address. C.With the first name.

Han Tianheng picked up a carving knife at the age of 6 and never put it down. Today, the 79 year-old artist, one of China's most respected living masters of seal carving, (印章雕刻)calligraphy and Chinese painting, still remembers the incident the first time he held a knife in his hand.

“I cut my thumb badly and was horrified by the bloody sight,\ said, adding that his mother applied ashes because she couldn't afford to take him to a hospital. \which is still clear today.\

An eye for an eye and blood for blood, the incident didn't set him back. Instead, it aroused his passion for the ancient art form. He was determined to pursue a path that would lead to a career in seal carving. Han said.

The journey of art exploration was a little bumpy for the young man in his quest for excellence, and his seal works were harshly criticized by a famous old painter.

Most would have crumbled under the criticism, not Han. It made him even more determined. After six months' hard work, he visited the painter again.

\\criticism is medicine. We can live without candy, but cannot live without medicine when ill.\

Han rose to fame during the early 1960s famous for bird and insect seal art. Han's seals are

B.With the running number. D.With the telephone number. B.09: 05. D.09:25.

an essential ending part on the paintings of a long list of well-established artists.

“A seal for a good painting is. like the buttons for an haute couture(高档女子时装).An experienced tailor always knows how to choose buttons that matches the whole style,\

His seals are full of variety — grand and solemn for Liu Haisu's paintings, light and vivid for Lu Yanshao's, graceful and gentle for Xie Zhiliu's.

\painting's style.\

4.What influence did the incident have on Han when he was six? A.He got injured very seriously. B.He learned how to use a knife. C.It aroused his interest in seal carving. D.It helped him learn how hard life was.

5.Which best describes Han's journey of art exploration? A.Smooth and fruitful. C.Boring but worthwhile.

B.Inspiring and lucky. D.Tough but rewarding.

6.In Han's opinion, what do an experienced tailor and a good seal carver share? A.The huge respect they earn. C.The targeted customers they serve.

B.The flexibility they display at work. D.The efforts they have to make to succeed.

7.In which section, of a newspaper does this text most probably appear? A.Education. C.Entertainment.

\on the Island of Hawaii. The song is much like \an unusual power: it is one of the tools that have revived a near-dead language.

The decline of Hawaiian was not, as is the case with most disappearing languages, a natural death caused by migration(迁徙)and mass media. In 1896, after American business interests ended the Hawaiian original political system, schools were banned from using it. By the late 20th century, apart from a couple of hundred people on one tiny island, English had replaced Hawaiian and only the old spoke it to each other.

The civil-rights movement brought a revival of interest among the young, centred on the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Larry Kimura, a professor there, was not satisfied that the

B.Events. D.People.



