The Evaporation Effect on the Isotopes in the
Yellow River Water
SU Xiaosi;LIN Xueyu;LIAO Zisheng;WANG Jinsheng
【期刊名称】《世界地质(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2001(004)002
【摘要】Based on the isotope analysis result of water samples in the 18 sections of the Yellow River, the variation of δ18Oand δD have been analyzed. From near the source to the entrance to the sea, the Yellow River has a general trend that the ratios of the stable isotope increase progressively; The main factors affecting the isotopes in the river water are mixing of external water bodies, evaporation and others; In the river segment between Lanzhou and Baotou and in lower reaches, the extent of the evaporation effect on the isotope fractionation from the river water surface is limited but the evaporation from the irrigated river water and the return flow is one of the main factors affecting the isotopes in river water. 【总页数】7页(178-184)
【关键词】The Yellow River water;Isotope;Hydrological cycle 【作者】SU Xiaosi;LIN Xueyu;LIAO Zisheng;WANG Jinsheng
【作者单位】College of Environment and Resources, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, P.R. China;College of Environment and Resources, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, P.R. China;College of Environment
The Evaporation Effect on the Isotopes in the Yellow River Water