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1.Don't (暴露)undeveloped film to light.

2.It has been (宣布)that they will get married next month. 3.He says he can (治愈)me of my toothache but I still doubt him. 4.My agent has (提示)me that you still owe me £ 50. 5.After lunch Tom (向……挑战)me to a game of tennis. 6.He (结束)his speech with an interesting story. 7.My mother was very ill,and I had to (照顾)to her. 8.Which driver was to (责备)for the accident? 9.He was (打败)at chess last night.

10.If you can't (处理)the job,I will get someone else to do it. 【答案】 1.expose 2.announced 3.cure 4.instructed

5.challenged 6.concluded 7.attend 8.blame 9.defeated 10.handle Ⅱ.多项选择

1.(2013·武汉高二检测)The boys played well,but they didn't the match.

A.beat C.win

B.succeed D.defeat

【解析】 beat 和 defeat 的宾语不能是比赛。表示“赢得”某场比赛,应用动词 win。

【答案】 C

2.This medicine will him of his cough. A.recover C.treat

B.cure D.heal

【解析】 词组 cure sb.of sth.的含义是“治好某人的某种疾病”。 【答案】 B

3.(2012·黄石高二检测) ,I'd like to say thanks to all of you present. A.Draw a conclusion C.Arrive at a conclusion

B.Come to a conclusion D.In conclusion

【解析】 句意:最后,我想对在座的各位表示谢意。in conclusion意为“最后”,是用于讲话结束时的结束语;A、B、C三项意思相同,均为“下结论”。

【答案】 D

4.The project at the meeting was paid much attention to. A.looked forward C.put forward

B.look forwarded to D.put forward to

【解析】 句意:在会议上被提出的那项规划得到了极大的关注。put forward “提出”,在句中为过去分词形式作定语。look forward向前看;look forward to盼望;put forward to不存在此词组。

【答案】 C

5.I have a pain in my back I catch a cold. A.at every time C.every time that

B.every time D.every time when

【解析】 every time可用作连词,意思与whenever接近,含义是“每当……的时候”,与从句之间不用连词,所以排除C、D。

【答案】 B

6.Finding information in today's world is easy.The is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.

A.ability C.challenge

B.competition D.knowledge

【解析】 考查名词辨析。句意:当今世界获得信息很容易,挑战是如何辨别你获得的信息是否有用处。ability能力;competition竞争;challenge挑战;knowledge知识。

【答案】 C

7.As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine,we must send for an engineer to the problem.

A.handle C.face

B.raise D.present

【解析】 句意:由于这里没人知道机器哪里出了毛病,所以我们必须派人去请一位工程师来处理这个问题。handle处理;raise提出;face面对;present呈现,赠送。

【答案】 A

8.The writer was so in his thought that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.

A.concentrated C.absorbed

B.devoted D.fixed

【解析】 句意:那位作家陷入沉思,忘了弹去雪茄烟的烟灰。concentrate不用于被动形式,与介词on搭配,意为“集中精力于……;”be devoted与介词to搭配,意为“专注于……”;fix常构成fix one's attention/mind upon短语,be absorbed in意为“全神贯注于……”符合句意。

【答案】 C

9.(2013·宜昌月考) its low price,the advantage of this car lies in its good quality.

A.According to C.Apart from

B.Different from D.Due to

【解析】 according to“根据,按照”;different from“与……不同”;apart from“除了……”;due to“由于”。句意:除了价格低廉,这种汽车的优点还在于它的质量好。

【答案】 C

10.(2012·济南高二上学期期中)Before the hostess the winner,she



