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Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors


1.________(不知怎么地)the thieves had managed to get in through a tiny bathroom window.

2.The mayor________(称赞)the fireman's bravery in his speech. 3.Passengers were asked to________(确认)their own suitcases before they were put on the plane.

4.________(原始)people lived in caves and they often had to go hungry.

5.After a few years of practice, he became very________(熟练的)at drawing.

6.Your name has been d________from the list. 7.Don't hurry. We have a________time.

8.The results of this survey can be divided into three main c________.

9.He a________his speed, hoping to catch up with all the other athletes ahead of him.

10.Millions of people will face s________next year as a result of the drought.

答案:1.Somehow 2.applauded 3.identify 4.Primitive 5.skillful 6.deleted 7.ample 8.categories 9.accelerates 10.starvation Ⅱ.完成句子

1.Whenever we are in trouble, we must________ ________(向前看)and encourage ourselves.

2.This job is open to all,________ ________(不管)previous


3.The history of this country can________ ________ ______(追溯到)the Stone Age.

4.________ ________(要是??就好了)we could have a day off tomorrow.

5.________ ________(假定)the task is finished, where can we have a holiday?

答案:1.look ahead 2.regardless of 3.date back to/date from 4.If only 5.Assuming that Ⅲ.单项填空

1.More attention is to be paid to energy exploration to find________energy.

A.traditional B.alternative C.available


答案:B 考查形容词。句意:为了找到可替代能源,人们将投入更多的注意力进行能源勘探。alternative energy“替代能源”。

2.—Is your husband good at cleaning up the room?

—Not very, but when it________cooking, he is much better than I am.

A.talks about C.comes to

B.refers to D.deals with

答案:C 考查句式。when it comes to doing sth.“当谈论到做某事时”。

3.—Any information about your son?

—No,if only I________those tough words to him. A.didn't say

B.hadn't said

C.shouldn't have said D.couldn't have said

答案:B 考查虚拟语气。if only引导从句应该使用虚拟语气。再由句意“要是我还没有对他说那些强硬的话该多好啊”可知,表示与过去的事实相反,因此用过去完成时。

4.The agent was________for carrying a false passport. A.arrested C.charged

B.accused D.suspected

答案:A 考查动词辨析。accuse, suspect常与of连用;charge常与with连用,而arrest则与for连用。

5.I had given up hope of going to college________word came that I had been admitted to a famous British University.

A.while C.so that

B.when D.until

答案:B had done...when...“刚刚??突然”。

6.—Did you meet with the famous space hero Yang Liwei? —________I had come here earlier. A.If only C.But for

B.If not D.For fear

答案:A 后句意为:要是我早来这里就好了!if only“要是??就好了。”

7.All living organisms(有机物),________their unique identity, have biological, chemical and physical characteristics in common.

A.as a consequence of C.in terms of

B.for the sake of D.regardless of

答案:D regardless of“不管;不顾”。

8.—May I take action to help those people whose village has

been________by the flood?


A.cut off; By all means B.cut up; By no means

C.cut down; Nothing can be better D.cut across; No problem

答案:A 句意:“我可以采取行动帮助那些村庄被洪水切断的人吗?”“当然可以。”cut off“切断”,by all means“当然可以”。

9.________that you are chosen to be a volunteer at the London Olympic Games, what will you do?

A.Assumed C.To assume

B.Assuming D.To be assumed

答案:B 本题考查assume的非谓语形式,因为与句子主语之间是主动关系所以选B。

10.They are close friends and their friendship________college days.

A.dates back to C.dates to

B.dates back D.dates back from

答案:A date back to=date from“始于;追溯到??”。 11.The schoolmaster________the girl's bravery in his opening speech.

A.applauded C.apologized

B.appeared D.clapped

答案:A applaud除了表示“鼓掌”之外,还可以表示“赞赏”。appear“出现”;apologize“道歉”;clap“拍手”。

12.Friends have trouble remembering________that Kevin Durant did for fun, other than basketball.

A.where it was C.how it was

B.what it was D.why it was

答案:B 考查强调句型。句意:朋友们在纳闷除了篮球,Kevin Durant做什么有趣。remember后接宾语从句,宾语从句应用陈述语气。“做什么”应用what,故选B项。

13.—I have got a headache.

—No wonder. You________in front of that computer too long. A.work

C.have been working

B.are working D.worked

答案:C 本题考查动词的时态。由I have got a headache现在完成时形式可知用现在完成进行时表示“从过去开始持续至今日还会进行下去”,体现过去开始的动作一直持续到现在或可能还要持续下去。

14.He hurried to the booking office only________that all the tickets had been sold out.

A.to tell C.telling

B.to be told D.told

答案:B only to do表示“意想不到的结果”,表示出乎意料。 15.The firm was successfully run and________, he owed his success to the support of his friends.

A.looking back C.to look back

B.looked back D.when looked back

答案:A 考查非谓语动词。and连接的是he owed his success to the support of his friends,因此选looking back表时间。句意:公司



