【期刊名称】《理化检验-物理分册》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)010
【摘要】首先通过化学分析法和 X 射线衍射法,准确确定高炉渣中的物相组分,然后通过加入标准物质 CaF2,对高炉渣的物相组分进行定量分析,并使用 K 值法计算出非晶态物质的含量。结果表明:采用 X 射线衍射法和 K 值法相结合的方法可以快速准确地测得高炉渣中非晶态物质含量;且标准物质 CaF2的加入质量分数控制在20%时,测定结果更加准确。%Firstly the phases in blast furnace slag were determined by chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis.And then the content of each phase was quantitatively analyzed by adding standard materials CaF2 and the amorphous content was also calculated by K-value method.The results indicate that the amorphous phase content in blast furnace slag can be quickly and accurately determined by combining X-ray diffraction method and K-value method,and when the standard materials CaF2 addition amount is 20%,more accurate results can be obtained. 【总页数】4页(711-713,716)
【关键词】高炉渣;X射线衍射;K值法;非晶态物质;CaF2标准物质 【作者】周敬;马光宇;王锐
【作者单位】鞍钢股份 技术中心,鞍山 114009;鞍钢股份 技术中心,鞍山 114009;鞍钢股份 技术中心,鞍山 114009