作 者:
院 系:视觉艺术系 专 业:数字媒体艺术 教学层次:本科 年 级:2014级 学 号: 指导教师:陈汝洪 成 绩:
日 期:2024年6月
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Content summary
As one of the representatives of China's \is internationally famous for his films with \flavor\His film contains his unique insights and thinking of traditional Chinese aesthetics inheritance and innovation. In zhang yimou's more than 20 years of films, he constantly pursues the innovation of film language. These unique expressions of film language are derived from a strong sense of nationality. This paper will analyze the use of ink elements, symbolic metaphors and scene Settings in the film \and analyze the artistic aesthetic creation of \
The first chapter is the feature of the film, and studies the symbolic language of the film. The second chapter mainly analyzes the logical way of zhang yimou's film aesthetics, how he absorbed the traditional culture and at the same time generated a consistent world view of classical aesthetics. The third chapter elaborates his creation method; Chapter four analyzes the influence of zhang yimou's film aesthetics on the later comers, especially the domestic later creators.
This paper, based on the setting characteristics of film, analyzes the application of ink color as an expressive symbol with Chinese aesthetic image in film creation, and then links the Chinese elements in the director's previous creations to explore the deep connection between the characteristics of Chinese traditional cultural elements and film creation. It is of great significance to the visual effect and internal meaning expression of future Chinese films.
Key words: zhang yimou;Yin and Yang aesthetic;symbol language
内容摘要 .................................................. Ⅰ Abstract .................................................. Ⅱ 目录 ...................................................... Ⅲ 引言 ....................................................... 1 一、绪论 ................................................... 1 1.1张艺谋电影美学的研究意义与方法 ....................... 1
1.1.1研究意义 .................................................... 1
1.1.2研究方法 .................................................... 2
1.2 张艺谋成长经历及主要作品 ............................. 2
1.2.1成长经历 .................................................... 2 1.2.2主要作品 .................................................... 3
二、张艺谋的电影特色 ....................................... 3 2.1张艺谋电影的中的绘画性 ............................... 3
2.1.1 画面内容中的符号隐喻 ....................................... 4 2.1.2符号解读 .................................................... 4 2.2.2 场景设置 ................................................... 5
三、张艺谋电影里的东方美学 ................................. 6 3.1形式主义与张艺谋 ..................................... 6 3.2 装置艺术、美学、与电影的融合 ......................... 6 四、张艺谋电影的创作方法 ................................... 7 4.1 初露锋芒 ............................................. 7 4.2 尝试阶段 ............................................. 8 4.3 电影的成熟阶段 ....................................... 8 五、结语 ................................................... 9 参考文献 .................................................. 10