China's Criminal Procedure Law provisions on criminal retrial, only five, and are a general requirement, the lack of maneuverability, there are too many uncertainties on the applicable law. First, in the People's Court, People's Procuratorate to start the retrial procedure, the grounds are known as the \error\but \error\specific, there is no explicit provision. Secondly, according to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law, the parties put forward new evidence is the reason of a statutory start retrial procedures, but finds that the new evidence does not solve the problem in the judicial practice and legislation. Third, our Code of Criminal Procedure is filed the retrial procedure subject to different classification standards for the retrial reason. Retrial filed by the principal, including the accused and their legal representatives, near relatives, have the subject qualification, but do not have the power of retrial procedure started directly, so set the drawbacks is unable to give the defendant the protection of human rights. Setting of the grounds of criminal retrial should be clearly established the prohibition of double jeopardy principles, but can not copy the Anglo-American legal systems, mainly for reference, the absorption of the prohibition of double jeopardy principles embodied in the concept of the protection of human rights embodied in the criminal retrial grounds of judicial and legislative settings. Wrong case accountability system has a positive meaning, but its operation mode of administration and the existence of a series of negative effects, contrary to the trial work. I believe that
it can be incorporated into the disciplinary system for judges, and further improve the disciplinary system for judges and their supporting systems. Criminal retrial procedure has a significant place in the Code of Criminal Procedure, which should be kept to a scientific, rational, and the right attitude.
Key words: Criminal Trial The grounds of criminal retrial Appeal
New evidence Protection of human rights
目 录
一、引言 ................................................................................................. 1 (一)有新的证据证明原判决、裁定认定的事实确有错误的 .............. 1 (二)据以定罪量刑的证据不确实、不充分或者证明案件事实的主要证据之间存在矛盾的 .............................................................................. 1 (三)原判决、裁定适用法律确有错误的 ........................................... 1 (四)审判人员在审理该案件的时候,有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为的 ............................................................................................ 1 二、刑事诉讼再审的理由 ......................................................................... 1 (一)什么是刑事再审理由呢 ............................................................ 1 (二)刑事再审的作用 ....................................................................... 2 三、我国刑事再审理由存在的问题 ........................................................... 4 (一)意思表达不明确 ....................................................................... 4 (二)新证据的界限不清楚 ................................................................ 5 (三)未区分再审理由是否有利于被告人 ........................................... 7 四、我国刑事再审理由的完善 .................................................................. 7 (一)禁止双重危险原则的确立 ......................................................... 7 (二)完善错案责任追究制度 ............................................................ 8 (三)明确“确有错误”的含义和具体情形 .......................................... 10 五、结语 ............................................................................................... 10 致 谢 ................................................................................................... 12
《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第二百零四条规定: “当事人及其法定代理人、近亲属的申诉符合下列情形之一的,人民法院应当重新审判:
(一)有新的证据证明原判决、裁定认定的事实确有错误的 (二)据以定罪量刑的证据不确实、不充分或者证明案件事实的主要证据之间存在矛盾的
二、刑事诉讼再审的理由 (一)什么是刑事再审理由呢