龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:李海龙, 罗凤鸣
摘 要:凸轮机构可以使从动件准确的实现某种预期的运动规律,它广泛的应用于自动机械、自动控制装置和装配生产线中。本文将从凸轮机构的压力角及其基本尺寸的设计、从动件的运动规律、凸轮廓线的设计等方面介绍MATLAB在摆动滚子从动件盘形凸轮机构设计中的应用。
关键词:摆动滚子从动件盘形凸轮机构 MATLAB
The application of MATLAB in the oscillating roller follower disc cam mechanism design Li Hailong, Luo Fengming
(Southwest Jiaotong university Emei, Le Shan Si Chuan province ,614202)
Abstract:Cam mechanism can make the follower accurately realize some expected movement which is widely used in automatic machinery, automatic control equipment and assembly production line. The article will introduce the application of MATLAB in the oscillating roller follower disc cam mechanism design from the pressure angle of cam and its basic size design, the motion law of the follower and cam profile design etc.
Key Words: Disk CAM mechanism with oscillating roller follower;MATLAB 1.问题的描述
设计一个摆动滚子凸轮机构,要求导杆机构的最大压力角应为最小值;凸轮机构的最大压力角应在许用值[α]之内,摆动从动件的升、回程运动规律均为等加速等减速运动。 表1 凸轮设计的参数 图1 摆动从动件盘形凸轮机构 2. 数学模型的建立及求解
2.1 摆动从动件盘形凸轮理论和实际轮廓线方程的建立