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Chapter 1 答案

1. Multiple choice (choose the best answer). 1) c 2) b 3) a 4) d 5) c 2. Fill in the blanks.

6) Sumerian, Egyptian, Chinese characters 7) red, rectangular, five stars 8) form, sound, meaning

9) family name, the given name, xing, shi, ming, zi 3. Translate the following terms into English.

10) a. the Imperial palace/the Forbidden City b. nature reserve c. autonomous region d. special administrative region

11) a. the Han nationality b. ethical tradition c. social status d. Chinese character 4. Explain the following in English.

12) paper making, printing, the compass and gunpowder. 13) 甲骨文,钟鼎文,小篆,隶书,楷书 5. Answer the following questions.

14) Chinese characters mainly have four ways of formation, namely pictographs,

indicatives, ideographs and pictophonetic.

15) A person’s ming and zi were normally given by his or her elders. Hao was

different from both ming and zi in that it was chosen by oneself rather than by others. A person often had more than one hao. Hao was not used to address one another but as a signature in one’s poetic and artistic works. Hao usually revealed one’s aspirations and moral values.

16) A Chinese surname is generally composed of one character or syllable, such as

Zhang, Wu, Li, or Yang. There are also two-syllable, three-syllable or even four-syllable surnames, such as Ouyang, Zhuge, Sima, Gongsun, Zhukehun, Buliugu, Houmochen and Jingjiangliushi.

Chapter 2 答案

1.Multiple choice (choose the best answer). 1) c 2) d 3) a 4) d 5) a 2. Fill in the blanks. 6) 221 B.C.

7) Silk Road, Chang'an, Xinjiang, Mediterranean Sea 8) Opium War

9) Sun Yat-sen, feudal monarchical system

3. Translate the following terms into English.

10) a. the Paleolithic Era b. the Neolithic Age c. slave society d. Dream of Red Mansions

11) a. painted pottery b. the spring and Autumn Period c. socialist market economy d. Opium War

4. Explain the following in English.

12) During the reign of Emperor Wudi (Liu Che, r. 140-87 B.C.), the Han regime

reached the period of its greatest prosperity: The emperor conquered the Xiongnu nomads, and sent Zhang Qian as envoy to the Western Regions (Central Asia), and in the process pioneered the route known as the \Han capital Chang'an (today's Xi'an, Shaanxi Province), through Xinjiang and onward, finally reaching the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

13) During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, philosophy and other

branches of scholarship were unprecedentedly thriving, with the representatives of various schools vying with each other in writing books to discuss politics and analyze society. Hence the appearance of a situation in which \of thought contended.\

5. Answer the following questions.

14) The Opium War was the turning point in Chinese history in that it marked the

close of the ancient period and the beginning of the modern history.

15) The reason why the construction of the Dujiang Dam was so important in Chinese

ancient times is that it made possible rationalized irrigation supply, flood diversion and sand discharge.

16) During his reign, Qin Shi Huang standardized the script, currencies, and weights

and measures, established the system of prefectures and counties, and constructed the world-renowned Great Wall as well as a large palace, mausoleum and temporary regal lodges respectively in Xianyang, Lishan and other places. In addition, the life-size terracotta horses and armored warriors excavated from sites near the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang are known as the eighth wonder of the world.

Chapter 3 答案

1.Multiple choice (choose the best answer). 1) d 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) d 2. Fill in the blanks. 6) 3000, 72 7) li, yi, yi 8) Mo Zi

9) Xun Zi, nature, materialism, atheism

3. Translate the following terms into English.

10) a. Confucianism b. (Sun Wu’s) the Art of War c. Confucian analects d. Second Sage

11) a. the feudal landlord class b. conservatism c. the policy of benevolence d. the

nine-square field system 4. Explain the following in English.

12) The six documents (The Six Classics) under Confucius compilation include Shi

(The Book of Songs), Shu (Collection of Ancient Texts), Li (The Rites), Yue (The Music), Yi (I Ching, or The Classic of Changes), and Chun Qiu (The Spring and Autumn Annuals), which are considered as the classics of Confucianism. 13) Mencius believed that human beings are good by nature. He held that this

goodness is innate and can be acquired without learning or thinking; one’s natural goodness is presented by the exercise of benevolence, righteousness, proprieties and prudence. Evil comes into being when one rejects their natural goodness.

5. Answer the following questions.

14) According to Mencius, the ideal moral personality is that one should never be

“corrupted by neither riches nor honors, shaken by neither poverty nor adversity, faltered by neither threats nor force”.

15) Han Feizi argued that human nature is basically selfish, and thus the social order

can be maintained only when the ruler imposes rules and his subjects must obey without questioning and enforces them with strict punishments. As a moral and ethical system, “ren” is the central theme of Confucius Analects, which focuses on human love that is hierarchical and differentiated. Thus Confucius created his version of humanism. In his idea, human nature is partially good and partially evil. Based on “ren”, Confucius objected to the fantastic powers that confused the human spirit.

16) As one of the greatest thinkers and educators in the history of China, Confucius’

contributions lie in the following three aspects. Firstly, he compiled and preserved literary works of three generations. The six documents (The Six Classics) under his compilation, including Shi (The Book of Songs), Shu (Collection of Ancient Texts), Li (The Rites), Yue (The Music), Yi (I Ching, or The Classic of Changes), and Chun Qiu (The Spring and Autumn Annuals), are considered as the classics of Confucianism. Secondly, Confucius established a system of philosophical thoughts with “ren”(benevolence) as its fundamental virtue. Thirdly, Confucius established private schools and founded a systematic educational framework.

Chapter 4 答案



