班级___________ 姓名 ___________
I. 根据句子,写出划线部分的合理意思:(2* 20)
1. _______________ It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act. 2_______________It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. 3.______________Don’t air your troubles too often. 4._______________ The nurse attended to him day and night. 5.______________ Many of his friends backed his plan. 6._______________The athlete has a solid build.
7. _________, ________He expressed the wish that you should come here by express train.
8. ______________ The subject is foreign to me. 9. _____________Freeze! Or I’ll shoot.
10. _____________ He has strong grounds for more money. 11. _____________ His success was due to industry. 12. _____________The dark clouds promise rain. 13. _____________ Could you put me up for the night?
13._____________ The little boy wolfed down his breakfast and then hurried to school.
14._______________ The girl pictured the suffering of the poor in the story. 15._______________ Edward was completely at a loss for words.
16. ______________ The school would like students to have an easy access to water. 17. _____________ As I was standing there ,I became aware of an elderly woman. 18. _____________My fear and imagination raced creating wild stories.
19. _____________ It doesn’t wear away easily and is strong and durable. 20. _____________ It matters a lot whether you keep a good habit. II. 为划线词汇选择合适的中,英文解释: (2* 20)
1. An Wang was born in Shanghai, China, in 1920. He came to America as an immigrant at the age of twenty-five.
A. 臣民 B. 移民 C. 公民 D. 市民
2. The usual symptoms of a cold are a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, a throat ache and aching muscles.
A. 眨眼睛 B. 挠痒痒 C. 打喷嚏 D. 学口哨 3. Jane is indecisive, that is, she can’t make up her mind.
A. 优柔寡断的 B. 明察秋毫的 C. 勤学好问的 D. 倾国倾城的
4. The Christmas dinner includes poultry for the main course such as chicken, turkey, duck and goose.
A. 小鸟 B. 动物 C. 美食 D. 家禽
5. He had a wan look. He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill. A. 深情的 B. 勉强的 C. 虚弱的 D. 无奈的
6. Shopkeepers may have to spend extra hours in dealing with problems, such as shoplifters, who always take away things from the shop without paying for them. A. 力夫 B. 帮手 C. 小偷 D. 搬运
7. His uncle was a roamer, a wanderer who could never stay in one place. A. 流浪者 B. 探险者 C. 旅行者 D. 迁徙者
8. When Wilma Rudolf was very young, she got a disease called polio. Wilma’s legs began to have problems.
A. 小儿麻痹症 B. 老年痴呆症 C. 风湿关节炎 D. 跌打损伤痛
9. He replied quickly. But after he considered the problem more carefully, he regretted having made such a hasty decision.
A. 错误的 B. 匆忙的 C. 果断的 D. 明智的
10. Because it was very contagious, everyone in the family came down with a disease. A. 坏死性的 B. 开放性的 C. 封闭性的 D. 传染性的 11. More advanced technique information was ________ from abroad.
A. brought out B. brought in C. brought on D. brought up 12. I don't understand what he said _______ at the meeting yesterday. A. in all B. after all C. at all D. all above
13. Girls ________ one third of the total student population in Jianli General School, Xiangyu Group, which _________5140 students.
A. make of; is made up B. make up; is made up of C. make from; make up D. made into; make up of
14. It's really difficult to _________ a conversation with someone who only says \ A. keep out B. keep off C. keep on D. keep up
15. On Christmas Day in western countries, people walk about in the street __________their best.
A. and wear B. and put on C. dressed in D. to wear 16. He didn't go into detail on the subject. He spoke _________.
A. in general B. in particular C. in common D. in short
17. I hate _______ large impersonal companies.
A. referring to B. bringing about C. looking for D. dealing with 18. The news was a terrible blow to her, but she will _______ the shock soon. A. get out B. get through C. get off D. get over
19. The congress opened with a three-minute silence ___________ those who died in the terrible earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichaun Province.
A. in need of B. in search of C. with the help of D. in memory of 20. —How did they discover the entrance to the underground palace? —Totally ________.
A. take the chance B. no accident C. by chance D. on purpose III. 根据中文或首字母填单词,注意形式:(1* 20)
1. I like English best, what is your f__________ subject? 2. If you knock into somebody, you should a__________ to him.
3. Please speak as loud as you can to make yourself u__________. 4. ---This problem is not difficult. --- But that one is even e__________. 5. I think you can sit on this newly bought chair very c__________.
6. Don’t be frightened by the television camera, Just speak _________.(自然地) 7. All countries, big or small, should be __________(平等). 8. He didn’t __________(认出)me at first when we met in the street of London. 9. The boy spoke in a very low voice, ________(承认) he had broken the glass. 10. They quarreled once, but they were quite ___________(友好) now.
11. What Tom did during the sports meet made all of us ___________(失望). 12. Wang Ying’s father is a famous ________(音乐家), and he teaches music in Central Music College.
13. I am good at English _____________ (作文).
14. More than 100,000 people were killed in the 2004 Asian tsunami, ___________ (包括) thousands of foreigners. 15. I was born on the first of __________ (十月).
16. The house was sold at such a low price that he had ___________(预料) 17. It’s wrong to _________(作弊) in the exam. 18. It’s _________(危险) to swim in the river. 19. He wants to come but he’s ________(不能) to. 20.Do you know about the _________(非洲) history?