Lesson 1.
Lesson 3 Lesson 5
Narrator:Meet Sandy and Sue!
Narrator:This is Sue's class.
Narrator:Her teacher's Mr Crisp.
Mr Crisp:Which is your pen,Sue?
Sue:The red pen,sir.
Mr Crisp:Here you are,Sue.
:Thank you,sir.
:This is Sandy's class. Narrator
:His teacher's Miss Williams Miss Williams
:Whose is this cap? Tom
:It's Sandy's,Miss Williams. Miss Williams
:Sandy! Sandy
:Yes,Miss Williams. Miss Williams
:Come here,please Sandy
:Yes,Miss Williams. Miss Williams
:Is this your cap? Sandy
:Yes,it is. Miss Williams
:Here you are Sandy.Sit down,please. Sandy :Thank you,Miss Williams.
Tom:Kick the ball,Sandy!
:All right,Tom. Tom
:Look,Sandy! Mr Crisp
:Oh! Mr Crisp
:It's all right,Sandy.Whose is this ball? Mr Crisp
:Is this your ball,Tom? Tom
:No,it isn't,sir. Mr Crisp:Is this your ball,Sandy?
Lesson 7
Lesson 9
Lesson 11
:Yes,it is,sir.
Mr May
:Who's that girl,Mr Crisp? Mr Crisp
:Which girl,Mr May? Mr May
:The girl on the red bicycle Mr Crisp
:That's Sue Clark.She's in my class Mr May
:Who's that boy,Mr Crisp Mr Crisp
:Which boy,Mr May? Mr May
:The boy with the football. Mr Crisp
:That's Sandy Clark He's Sue's brother.Tom
:Kick the ball,Sandy! Mr Crisp :Look out,Mr May!
:Hullo,Sandy!Hullo,Sue! Children
:Hullo,Mum! Mother
:Tea's ready. Mother
:Are you hungry,Sue? Sue
:Yes,I am. Mother
:Are you hungry,Sandy? Sandy
:No,I'm not. Sandy
:What's for tea? Mother
:Look! Mother
:Are you hungry now,Sandy? Sandy :Oh yes,I'm very hungry.
:Look at my picture,Sue. Sue
:That's nice,Sandy. Sue
:What's that? Sandy
:It's a bicycle.
:Who's that? Sandy
:It's Tom.He's on his bicycle Sue
:What's this? Sandy
:It's a car. Sue
:Who's this? Sandy
:It's Mr Crisp. Sandy:He's in his car.
Lesson 13
Lesson 15
Lesson 17
Lesson 19
:This egg is for you,Sandy! Sandy
:Thanks,Mum. Sue
:Listen,Sandy!That's Dad's car.Eat your egg quickly. Sue
:Now put the egg in the egg-cup like this Father
:Good evening,Betty. Mother
:Good evening,Jim. Father
:Good evening,Children. Children
:Good evening,Dad. Sandy
:Tea's ready,Dad.This egg is for you Father
:An egg!That's nice.I'm hungry Father
:Oh!It's empty!
:Put on Dad's hat,Sandy! Sandy
:Put on Mum's shoes,Sue! Sandy
:You are funny,Sue! Sue
:You're funny,too,Sandy! Sue
:Come with me. Sandy
:Knock at the door,Sue. Mother
:Come in! Sandy
:Look at me!I'm an actor Sue
:Look at me!I'm an actress.
:Who's that boy,Tom? Tom
:Which boy,Sandy? Sandy
:That fat boy. Tom
:He's a new boy.His name's Billy Briggs Sandy
:Look at him! Miss
Williams:Billy! Billy
:Yes,Miss Williams Miss Williams
:Open your desk and give me that apple Billy
:I'm sorry,Miss Williams.I'm hungry
:My bag's heavy! Tom
:What's in it,Sandy Sandy
:Open it and see. Lesson 21
Lesson 23
Lesson 25
Lesson 27
:Six books and six exercise-books Billy
:My bag's heavy,too. Tom
:What's in it,Billy Billy
:Open it and see! Tom :One book,two apples,three oranges and a banana!
Tom and Bill
:What nationality are you? French or German
Sandy(whispering):I'm French
:Come on my side! Tom and Billy
:What nationality are you? Sue(whispering)
:I'm German. Billy
:Come on my side. Tom and Billy :Pull! Pull!
:Give me that box please,Sue. Sue
:Which box,Sandy?This one? Sandy
:No,not that one.The big blue one Sue
:What's in it,Sandy? Sandy
:Open it and see. Sue
:Oh! Sandy :It's a Jack-in-the-box!
:There's a man at the door,Dad. Father
:Who is it,Sue?Open the door! Sue
:It's the postman,Dad. Postman
:Good morning,Sue. Sue
:Good morning,postman. Postman
:There's a letter for your mother.
And there's a letter for your father.
:Thank you. Sue
:Dad!There's a letter for mumand there's a letter for you. Father :This isn't a letter!It's a bill!
Gym Master
:Look at these shoes! Gym Master
:Which are your shoes,Sandy? Sandy
:The brown shoes,sir. Lesson 29
Lesson 31
Lesson 33
Lesson 35
Gym Master
:What colour are your shoes,Tom? Tom
:My shoes are black sir. Gym Master
:Here you are,Tom. Tom
:Thank you,sir. Gym Master
:There's a shoe on this locker.Whose is it? Tom
:It's Billy's,sir.
:Are your hands clean,Sandy? Sandy
:Yes,my hands are clean,Mum. Mother
:Show me your hands,Sandy. Mother
:Your hands aren't clean.They're very dirty! Mother
:Go and wash your hands at once! Sandy
:All right,Mum. Mother
:Are your hands clean now,Sandy? Sandy
:Yes,they are,Mum Mother
:Sandy!Look at my nice clean Towel!
:Heads or tails,Sue? Sue(calling)
:Heads! Sue
:It's heads! Tom
:Come on our side. Tom
:Heads or tails,Sandy? Sandy(calling)
:Tails! Sandy
:It's tails! Tom
:Go on their side. Tom and Billy :Pull!Pull!
:These shoes are nice.Try on these shoes,Sue. Salesman
:Sit down here,please. Mother
:How are they,Sue? Sue
:They're very tight,Mum Sue
:Oh,Mum!Look at those shoes.Those are pretty shoesSalesman
:Here you are,young lady. Mother
:How are they,Sue? Sue :They're just right!
Sandy:What are these,Billy?