1.Canterbury Tales was written by ___. [A] Marlowe [B] Shakespeare [C] Chaucer [D] Bunyan
2.Paradise Lost is about the rebellion of _____.
[A] Satan
[B] the English
[C] Adam and Eve
[D] the peasants
3.which is not Shakespeare's tragedy?
[A] Romeo and Juliet
[B] Othello
[C] Macbeth
[D] Hamlet
4.The Pilgrims’ Progress is a ____ novel.
[A] comical
[B] tragical
[C] allegorical
[D] modernist
5.Crusoe is the representative of ___.
[A] bougeoisie
[B] the young men
[C] peasants
[D] the poor
6.Jonathan Swift’s representative work is _____.
[A] Gullivers travels
[B] Robinson Crusoe
[C] Hamlet
[D] Ulysses
7.Fielding’s works belongs to ____.
[A] romanticism
[B] naturalism
[C] realism
[D] modernism
8. Samuel Johnson’s letter to Lord Chesterfield reveals his ____toward
the lord. [A] hatred [B] happiness [C] pessimism
[D] dissatisfaction 9.The School of Scandal was written by ______. [A] Sheridan [B] Bernard Shaw [C] Shelly [D] Joyce
10.which is the work of Blake A: the song of innonce
11.She dwelt among untrodden ways is about ___. [A] Ophelia [B] Lucy [C] Vivie [D] Elizabeth
12.Coleridge's representative work is ___. [A] Kubla Kan